Married now

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pairing: Jo Eun-seob and Myeong Na-ri


Eun-seob's whole world collapsed the moment he got her wedding invitation. He wished it was all in his imagination, but no, it was official. It was happening. Myeong Na-ri was getting married.

He remembered solidly that he was alone at home when he got that phone call from her at two in the morning telling him that she was engaged. She sounded so thrilled but he was devastated by that news. He knew she'd been seeing a guy for a while but she had never mentioned that she'd ever considered taking their relationship to the next level. Eun-seob hadn't talked to her for a while and that wasn't how he wanted the conversation to start, with her telling him she is going to be someone else's wife.

Na-ri and him never dated. She was his best friend, but to him she hadn't been just that for so long. He never attempted to make her his girlfriend because he didn't think he was ready to be in a relationship and he wasn't sure if she even felt the same way towards him. So Eun-seob decided not to cross the friendship line. They grew up together and had been through hell and back together. He thought maybe at one point when the time was right, he could finally confess his feelings for Na-ri. But it seemed like that right time could never come.

"Hey, you ready?"

Harry turned away from the mirror to face his friend, who was standing at the door in a bridesmaid dress. He gave her a small smile.

"Yeah. You look great, Tae-eul."

"Jeez, thanks. Na-ri does know how to pick a dress," she said and Eun-seob chuckled thinking about how Na-ri always had a great taste in clothing.

"She wants to see you."



"Okay, I'll be right there," Eun-seob said and watched Tae-eul leave as he took a deep breath to calm himself down. He was the best man at Na-ri's wedding because she wanted him to be there next to her future husband as she walked down the aisle and her fiancé was a really nice guy who was more than happy to let Eun-seob play that important role.

Eun-seob exhaled sharply and hesitated for a few seconds before he knocked on the door of the room Na-ri was in.

"Come in," she said and he turned the doorknob and entered.

"Wow," was all he could say when he saw her in that dress. She was always beautiful to him but she was more than perfect wearing her wedding dress. He felt a blade going straight through the center of his heart when reality striked and made him realize that less than an hour later, she would become someone else's wife and he would become a broken mess.

"How do I look?" she asked blushing at his stare.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you," she said and walked to him. He held his breath when she approached. Why was he still feeling that way about somebody's else future wife? He felt guilty but he couldn't stop, not when she was standing that close to him, looking like a princess from a story book.

"You look very handsome, Eun-seob. I'm so glad you're here," Na-ri told him and reached up to fix his bow tie. His eyes stayed fixed on her as if to capture every feature on her face in his memory knowing he would officially lose her after she said her vows and kissed the love of her life.

"Tae-eul said you wanted to see me?"

"Right. I'm having some issues. I needed you here."

"I'm here," he said locking his eyes on hers.

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