Little Prince

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pairing: Lee Gon and Jung Tae-eul


"Holy fuck, Gon! It fucking hurts!" Jung Tae-eul screamed out, her eyes screwing shut. She writhed in the hospital bed, the painkillers not kicking in yet.

Lee Gon held her hand tightly but she squeezed his hand even tighter, their knuckles turning white.

The pain was something that was other-worldly. Black dots danced a crossed her vision and she screamed out again as another contraction hit her.

Tae-eul arched off the bed and bit her lip.

The doctor came back in, "Okay, we will give her a half dose to see if it will hurry the process of the anesthetic numbing her."

Lee Gon growled, "Well stop standing there and do something about it."

The doctor paled and nodded. The nurses rolled Tae-eul on her side and she hissed as the needle went into her lower back.

She still felt the pain in her lower abdomen, but as time went on she couldn't feel the lower half of her body.

Her grip loosened on Gon's hand and she sighed in relief. He kissed the back of her hand, "How are you feeling?"

He pushed her hair sticking to her face, back.

Tae-eul nodded, still heavily breathing, doing her best to recover from the pain.

"So much better Gon. Thank you." She rested against the bed and he kissed her forehead.


After New Years...Tae-eul and Lee Gon sat down and talked about what the next year would look like, with the baby, with your relationship, kingdom, all of it.

No nannies, they were firm on that decision. They promised that they will always be there for their son.

Little prince Lee Geon. Tae-eul's hand rested on her stomach, Geon was only a week late, but it was a week that kept Gon on edge.

He would barely let her get out of bed, he hated it when she tried to do anything in regards to bending over, picking anything more than two pounds up, and stretching too much.

They were married in Kingdom of Corea, it was a large wedding, with family, friends, everything and everyone. It was... it was crazy and she wasn't showing yet. She started showing at five and half months more noticeably.

Tae-eul decided a spring wedding would be best so she would be able to fit in the dress of her choice. Granted, it was a little further at the stomach and the rags were obviously able to do simple math to know the fact that Geon was conceived out of wed-lock.

Though it was none of their business and none of their concern, but this was what happend when she married a king.

Her life, is suddenly theirs. And this is what worried Tae-eul for Geon. Gon promised more security but it was more about privacy. But she gave that up for Gon. Willingly, happily, and would do it over and over again.


The doctor entered the room again, "Okay, we are going to have you start pushing and we are going get your little prince out into the world." He smiled at the two of them.

Tae-eul nod and Gon grips her hand, "I love you, so much. I am so ready for this."

She searched those eyes that she got lost in so often and those eyes had a new gleam. She wasn't too sure what it meant but she knew it had to do with the baby on the way.

"I'm ready." Tae-eul breathed out.


After a few more hours in labour and pushing and tears and trying.

Prince Lee Geon was born. He was 16inches long, weighed 7 pounds and had a full head of dark hair.

They wrapped him in a blue blanket and handed him to Tae-eul.

She pushed the hair that stuck to her forehead in the sweat back and cradled him in her arms.

Gon stood behind her slightly, arms around her shoulders. They gazed down at their son.

How could she ever doubt-ever question her love or question if she was ready. She held this blue little bundle tight in her arms. His eyes open, looking up at her.

"We make great looking kids." Gon murmured softy, his long finger gently tracing Geon's face.

Tae-eul nod, "Yeah." She glance up at him and Gon smiles at her, leaning down to give her a gentle kiss.

"You were amazing. You got him out." Gon winked and she held Geon up to Gon to take him.

He took him and searched his face, "God, he is so precious." Tae-eul scoot over so Gon can get into bed with her. She rest against him as he cooed sweet nothings to their prince.

"We made this..." he murmured to her. She hummed in agreement and leaned against him, utterly exhausted.

Eventually, sleep overcame her and knowing Geon was in the right arms and just Gon's presence in general and how well he took the father role it just... It gave her the comfort where she was able to go to sleep easily. 

The King: eternal monarch one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora