Morning after*

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pairing: Jo Eun-seob and Myeong Na-ri


There was someone playing drums behind his temples. Gods, even his hair hurt as he slowly blinked open his eyes, wincing at the muted sunlight coming through the blinds. Throwing an arm over his face to shield himself, he sucked in a breath, the bridge of his nose protesting loudly with the contact.

Apparently the party was more fun than he remembered.

With a small groan and the curiosity of what time or day it even was, Eun-seob reached out for his bedside table and his phone, where he hoped the drunk version of himself remembered to plug it in.

Two things happened at once. He realized he was sleeping on the wrong side of the bed. His hand came into contact with a warm body.

Jerking it back as if scalded, he blinked his eyes to clear them, the dregs of sleep leaving him as he wracked his brain to try and remember why there was somebody in his bed and even more importantly, who was in his bed.

Covers were pulled up high, obscuring most of her face, but he'd recognize that hair anywhere.


Simultaneously, there was a surge of lust, the horror of embarrassment that he couldn't remember getting her into his bed. After all the vivid dreams of having her there, all the time spend longing, she was tucked into his sheets and his mind was blank.

He spent a moment in a fumbling panic, trying to decide on the correct course of action.

Fighting the urge to slide his fingers into that silky mess spread over his pillow, he instead stealthily slide out of his bed, noting carefully he was still in his boxer briefs and being careful not to trip over something and wake her up, snuck into the bathroom, his heart thumping loudly with muted nerves.

The mirror didn't give him any useful information, like whether or not he'd finally gotten Myeong Na-ri, the woman he was half in love with, under him, or if he had, if it had been the soul shattering experience he assumed it would be.

No, it didn't tell him anything other than he looked hung over, hair wild, eyes still squinting. In fact, the harsh reflection might have even mocked him.

Splashing cold water on his face did nothing to ease his frustration as he tried to recall exactly what had happened. Remembering being annoyed with Tae-eul for cajoling him into going, the beer, then giving up on the beer and going straight to the first round of soju, somewhere in the middle of it all, Na-ri appearing, looking good enough to eat in that red dress.

Gods, he wished he could remember if he had gotten the chance to eat Myeong Na-ri.

Surely he would remember that.

Giving himself a thorough look of disappointment, he grabbed his toothbrush and stepped into the shower, hoping the water could clear his head, hoped the toothpaste could rid him of the fuzz growing on his tongue.

Fuck, he must have drank a lot.

He pieced together a few more glimpses of the previous night, Na-ri laughing with him, her hair shining in the light, dancing close, her hand holding onto his arm as she hopped on one foot to get rid of her heels, dropping significantly in height as she leaned into him, the scent of her wrapping around him, searing itself into the basic male part of his brain that wanted to give and take from her until she screamed his name.

Fuck, what if they did have sex and it wasn't good for her?

Letting his head thump against the wall, he contemplated staying in the shower until she left, sneaking out past her to go make breakfast- just in case- or slipping back into bed and feigning sleep until she awoke and made the next move.

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