Sick day

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pairing: Jo Yeong and Myeong Seung-ah


He was not up to it, since the morning arose, he was not up to anything, he woke up just feeling the worse, but he told himself he was fine, that he was just tired from the constant stress from work. He played it off, taking a warm hot shower, and getting dress.

She did the normal like every morning, wake up, join Yeong in the shower, and shower sex, but today was different. She walked in, wrapping her arms around his waist, kissing his shoulder blades, and giving him a hug from behind. Though, he did not respond to it.

Seung-ah was confused, Yeong would usually turn around, giving her a kiss, screwing the main reason of shower and devote his time to her, but today that did not happen. He did turn around looking at her, but his usual smile that was just for her was not there, his eyes showed weariness and he had a frown.

Seung-ah was watching him, giving him a empathic look, and rubbing his arms, pulling him into a hug, which he took gracefully.

"Alright there, baby?" She said, pulling away. He nodded, turning around grabbing the soap from the bench.

"Just tired." He told her, she nodded understandably. Seung-ah went to her business with washing herself, and he did too. But he was still not up to it, he ignored the feelings and continued his morning routine.

Seung-ah came down a few minutes later, watching from the stairs as Yeong made himself breakfast, a simple shake. She continued to walk down the stairs towards the modern, traditional kitchen, towards him. She walked behind him, him still making his shake and wrapping her hands around him, kissing his check, then walking away. Him giving a grumble.

"Morning to you, too." She simply said, sitting at the kitchen counter, watching him.

The responses that he has given her today, made her think of the possible things that may happen, the major one is, sickness. He has not been paying attention around him, almost slipping in the shower, tripping on the stairs and then forgetting to plug in the blender. She knew that something was happening, therefore she started to question it.

"Everything alright with you, baby?" She stated, getting up from the chair, walking towards him.

He looked at her, then ignoring whatever action he was doing, wrapping her in a hug, but she was not the small spoon, he tried to be, needing her to hold him. She pulled away looking at him, clicking her tongue, mumbling, 'poor baby', he tried to walk away but she pulled him back by the arm, placing her hand on his forehead.

"You have a fever." Seung-ah stated, Yeong tried to ignore her statement, going back to drinking his shake.

"I'm fine. I need to head to the palace. I have to go through some files with my team." He stated, grabbing his phone and wallet off the counter.

"Seriously, Yeong, you are sick, look at you." Seung-ah told him signaling to his pale skin, weary eyes, stuffy nose and cough. He waved her off.

"I'll be fine, if something happens, I'll call." He stated, "I love you." came right after, kissing her on the cheek. Seung-ah held her ground, hands on her hips, giving a disapproved look.

"Promise?" She yelled, he yelled back, 'promise' too. She shaked her head and went on continuing her day.


Yeong was not feeling it, he tried his best with the team, working, and all, but he could not stomach it, he couldn't process the conversations, the outcomes, he was not up for it. He tried his best, putting all his effort in, but the moment he came in, all the guards suspected something, but Yeong would, like he did with Seung-ah, just shake it off or not focus on it.

It was quarter past one when the symptoms evolved, he got a headache, dizziness and nausea, it went so far that he had to excuse himself from the conversation and run to the bathroom, and unpile his stomach in the white satin toilet. He pulls himself back, and sat next to the toilet, rubbing his hair with his hand, and watching the locked door. He flushed the toilet, washed his hands and sat back down, thinking, and pulling himself together. But there was a knock.

"Captain Jo, are you ok?" He instantly recognise the voice of the subcaptain Seok Ho-pil. He groaned, trying to get up, unlocking the door.

"Don't say anything, I already called her." The subcaptain said, once the door was open, placing his hand against the headboard, so Yeong won't get out.

"Seung-ah, ugh, I'm going to get the 'I told you so' look. But thank you." He told him, walking past him towards the room, grabbing his coat and phone, sitting down on the couch, calling her. Few rings is all it took till she picked up.

"Hey baby, on my way, don't worry." She started, cooing him, "Subcaptain told me everything, so I'm prepared of what will come." laughing a bit at the end.

"Thank you, ok, I got to go, just thinking hurts." He told her, rubbing his forehead.

"Ok, I'll be there in about 2 minutes, see you, I love you." Seung-ah told him, he responded with a quick 'I love you, too' and placed his phone down.

The guards signaling about the conversation, and Yeong told them that she's on her way, and that'll he have to go home. They told him to get better and all, and the rest of the few minutes, all of them sat in silence.

Seung-ah came up a few minutes later, walking up the stairs, she entered with her caring look, seeing that Yeong was lying against the couch, groaning.

"Oh, look at you, you look like you are dying, come here." She told him, walking up to the couch, sitting next to him and bringing him in.

Yeong wrapped his arms around her, placing his head on her chest, while she was rubbing his back.

"Thank you for calling me, I was worried all day." She told the subcaptain, starting to get up, helping Yeong get up. They said their quick byes and subcaptain with one other guard helped Seung-ah with hauling Yeong to her car.

"Thank you again, you don't get to deal with him anymore." She stated, thanking the guards.

"Yeah, of course." Subcaptain Seok Ho-pil smiled at her.

Seung-ah smiled back, starting to get in the car to drive away.

Yeong leant against the window the whole time, gently closing his eyes, she placed her hand on his right thigh, rubbing it gently, he kept groaning.

"I have a lovely movie sent up in our room, with loads of tea, and a few fever reducing tablets." She said, taking her focus off the road quickly to look at him.

"Thank you, love." He stated, still a groaning, tired mess.

They arrived a few minutes later, Seung-ah tried her best with helping him up, but she was just a little bit short and not as strong as she hoped. She helped Yeong up the stairs, placing him on the bed and slowly taking off his black shirt and pants, leaving him in only his briefs, under the duvet, on the left side of the bed.

She walked downstairs, grabbing her phone, medicine, a cold cloth, and two cups of tea, making her way to the bedroom. She placed the cups of the side table, pushing back his hair, placing the cold towel of his head.

Shushing him as she goes, dabbing it gently.

"I love you, you know that right?" He said grumbling, grabbing the rubbish bin, throwing up his last meal, hitting the headboard back, slouching back down. She rubbed his back when doing so, she turned on the television, on a movie she taped a few days back, and let her love cuddle her. Letting him feel loved in the tough time.

The King: eternal monarch one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon