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pairing: Jo Yeong and Myeong Seung-ah


To say she knew what happened would be a lie. Seung-ah remembered that they were both yelling, but the why was completely lost to her by now. It scared her that Yeong was shouting, and it scared him that she was shouting back, but there was no sign of calming it down. Seung-ah started feeling a little suffocated in all the screaming, and the moment there was silence, she turned around and left. He would have ran after her, endlessly, but in between the anger, the suffocation he felt himself and her face screaming "not now", he got the message. Even in the midst of a fight, he was looking out for what she wanted, even if it didn't feel that way.

Seung-ah walk for air turned to be longer than she expected, but she pressed on, walking around the neighbourhood Yeong and her had lived in for two years now. It was dark out but thankfully not as dangerous as other neighbourhoods. She took in the sounds of the night and counted how many lights where on, on their street. It had been around 50 minutes when she decided to turn back around and get back to the house where hopefully a calmer Yeong was waiting for her.

Yet that wasn't the case.

While Yeong did calm down, where the anger of the petty fight, that exploded harder than it should've, had fizzled out of his body, a new frustration had started to settle in. Where the hell were she?

He felt like running after her because how much air did she really need to take? And the neighbourhood was calm but this was pushing it, it was 12 at night and she had been gone for an hour. Maybe if he went for her, but what if she came back to an empty home, he didn't want that either, she'd feel angry again, and disappointed, and she would be so unprotected by herself, so he decided to stay put and wait. But what if something had happened to her? He wouldn't hear about it until someone found her. No, he told himself, stop thinking like that. I'll give her 15 minutes then I'm out there.

Before her minutes were out, Seung-ah arrived to find a distressed Yeong, the hair pulled in every direction, pacing around the living room, probably making a hole in the rug. He stops when he hears her walk in and his head pops up so fast, to look in her direction. For a second there's relief in his eyes, a relief so deep he feels like he might cry or scream. But, as he walks over to her, it escapes and becomes replaced with overpowering anger and frustration at her, for being out so long, not giving a sign of life, and at himself for letting it happen. He's filled with this sense of overprotectiveness that bubbles up in all the wrong ways, because he screams, just not in relief.

"Where were you?" He almost yells straight to her face. The small bit of relief of seeing her perfectly ok, is pulling him back from lashing out.

"I needed some air."

"For almost two fucking hours?" He says looking at her straight in the eye.

"I walked a lot you know."

"Yeah had me worried sick!" Seung-ah looks at him a little confused. She knows he cares but this seems unusual. She doesn't seem to get why he was so angry, she was okay and nothing had happened and that was it. That should be it, right?

"Do not do that, ever again."

"Uhm, what?" Seung-ah says in shock. Did he just give her an order? Is he scolding her like a child?

"You heard me. Don't you dare ever do that shit again. You had me pulling my hair out, I was 2 seconds away from going out and looking for you myself, maybe even calling the royal guards!" He twists his arms around like a father scolding a child, and Seung-ah was waiting for him to send her to her room grounded with no phone or laptop for a week.

"Do you have an idea of how worried I was?!

Go to the bedroom, right now." He finishes.

So there it was. She looks at him not believing a word of what he's just said, but he's stern, body planted firmly in his spot, a hand up, pointing towards the bedroom. If this almost 2 hour long walk had done something to her, it was to calm her down, enough to not explode into another argument right there and then, and so she walked upstairs, scoffing at Yeong's attitude.

But thankfully things did calm down rather quick after "Father Yeong's" outburst.

Because when he comes upstairs, finally really calm and sorry for whatever that was in the living room, he finds Seung-ah in bed with a book and completely ignoring him. He sighs and quietly takes off his clothes, only keeping his briefs on to sleep, and he sits down by het thighs, the bed sinking when he does.

"Hey" he mumbles softly, she acts like she didn't hear anything and he sighs once more.

"Love..." It's Seung-ah's turn to sigh and roll het eyes, then she puts the book down and look him straight in the eye.

"Going to scold me for rolling my eyes?"

"I should" he smiles softly then shakes his head "I'm sorry darlin'" his head drops, "It's just, we were fighting, you know? Really screaming and then you leave, and I know you want your space... I'm suffocating man" he chuckles and she smiles softly.

"But then..."

He shifts in the bed and lays his head on her chest, looking up at her straight into her eyes.

"Then you were gone for so long, and I thought you might have gone for good, and I got scared."

"That's not going to happen" Seung-ah assures him and caress his cheek softly. His smile spreads quickly, a dimple showing, and goes away quickly as well.

"Wanted to call you but you left your phone. And for a second I didn't mind you leaving me" Seung-ah looks at him confused "just wanted you safe, then I could try for your heart again, but I needed you safe and sound first. And I freaked out... So, m'sorry, for everything tonight really"

The smile on her face is contagious, soon he's smiling too, leaning in and dropping a sweet kiss on her lips.

"Why were we fighting to begin with?" She asks, not even remembering the, now really old, argument. Yeong groans.

"Don't even mention it." They both laugh.

"Fine" Seung-ah pulls out your pinky in front of his face.

"No more fights though." he smiles at her cute manicured finger and wraps his around, the sight of his pinky covering hers was enough to make her feel warm. His was big and a little calloused, in dire contrast of her thin delicate one.

"No more fights." he repeats and settles in for a good night of sleep.

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