first rule

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THE brunet chuckled, "close your mouth you'll catch flies"

"I-what-a genie?" Corbyn asked confused and shocked. "How?"

The short bot shrugged, "powerful magic from the gods leaked down to the earth. There is a lot of genie on earth. But I happened to be one of the most powerful."

"I thought genies weren't real"

The boy groaned, he snapped his fingers teleporting them to the top of the Eiffel Tower, then to the big Ben. Then to Corbyn's hotel room.

Corbyn felt dizzy, not expecting that. "Okay I get it. wait how'd you know this is my hotel room?"

"Genies know all about their masters once we've been released. You've got 3 friends named jonah, daniel and zach who are your bandmates. And a friend named Penny who likes Zach and vise versa. Oh my names Jack!" Jack said flawlessly.

Corbyn gave another shocked face, "whoa can I study you? Wait I get wishes right? You said I was your master?"

"Not that I'll ever call you that but sure" the boy shrugged, making a cup of water appear and he drank it. "3 wishes, I'm not bringing people back from the dead, no making people fall in love, and no killing anyone. Though I'm sure you know that right Mr. Corbyn Besson. Seeing you love to read all type of books."

Jack began to float through the air, the purple trail of smoke following him as he went. "I mean I guess but everyone who tried to study me only got frustrated"

Jack sat in mid air and leaned back, flipping on sunglasses and watching Corbyn.

"Really?! Wait how about instead of studying you my first wish can be knowing everything"

"And I thought you looked smart" Jack said but stood up, "very well if that is your first wish"

"Wait no your right I need to think about this. Wait do you mind getting me to my interview I forgot I had one!" Corbyn remembered, jack laughed snapped his fingers and he was in front of the building.

"I'm gonna go back into the ring if you need me call my name or rub the ring" Jack said, he vanished into the ring.

Corbyn was amazed by what he just saw. He shook his head looked at the ring that glowed slightly purple before he headed inside.

Jonah looked at Corbyn as he made it inside, "dude where have you been? You barely made it I had to convince them that you had to run to the hotel for something"

"I'm sorry I just..."

Do I say I found a genie or what?

Nah they wouldn't believe me

I'll tell them afterwards.

"I spilt my breakfast and so I wanted to help the nice workers and then i had to run to the room to grab my phone battery back." Corbyn lied smoothly, "anyways I made it so that's all that matters right?"

Corbyn placed his finger on the ring as they walked into the room with cameras and mics.

"So what's Penny doing?" Corbyn asked Zach while Jonah and Daniel got hooked up first.

"She said she was going to just chill at the hotel and meet us at the venue for the meet and greet" Zach responded, he then nudged Corbyn forward to get hooked up.

After they were hooked up they began to record.

"Hey guys, I'm Jonah"

"I'm Zach"

genie || jarbynWhere stories live. Discover now