always rock

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Time Skip

JACK was currently trying to help Corbyn understand his powers and his backstory. The boys had finished tour and had a bit more time on their hands. Corbyn wanted to try and understand Jack.

But the more he spent time with jack, the more he didn't want to be without him. Jack tried to contain himself, but he also knew that Corbyn was different from any of his masters. And he was falling in love with that.

"So genies can have siblings? And you have 3" Corbyn repeated, writing it down.

Jack laughed, "yes, I had 3 siblings, Sydnie, Isla, and Ava..."

"But how?"

"Well...its not hard to explain," Jack shrugged, "My dad John met my mom Kristin. My mom was a genie and my dad wasn't. They had my sister Sydnie who's a genie herself somewhere out there... then they had me. They found out I was a very strong genie right away. There wish was for time to stop for a while to just spend time with me. My parents relationship went downhill then that's why they wished that. It worked anyways... from me. Most genies can't mess with time. But I could. Then my dad had enough and wished my mother away. As with me and Sydnie. My mom was opened, freed and had my sisters Ava and Isla with my step-father Darrin. Ava and Isla weren't genies though. They were normal humans... but they were the sweetest"

Corbyn hugged jack, "I'm so sorry, I'm sure they're in a-"

"Its not that they died. They had my moms magic inside them too. But they got trapped by 'evil' magic holders and were forced to follow orders, they're slaves now... That's all I know... I tried to free them but it wasn't anyone's wish so I couldn't overpower the magic myself." Jack explained, frowning, "your the only person I've ever been able to tell"

"I can... i can wish it if you want me to" Corbyn gently smiled, completely skipping the fact his mother was freed somehow.

"You don't have to..." Jack put his head in his hands, "I wouldnt ask you to do that for me"

"I... I want to" Corbyn nuzzled Jack,  crawling onto his lap. "Please, you've done so much for me and haven't even counted it as 1 wish yet"

"The things you asked for arent really wishes" Jack shrugged.

"Asking you to make a security guard for us? That was a wish" Corbyn pointed out, he looked at Jack's beautiful eyes.

"Maybe but... I dont mind protecting you... oh and I suppose the others" Jack smirked, bringing Corbyn's chin up slightly, his finger resting on the corner of Corbyn's lip. He gently kissed Corbyn's nose and trailed his finger across his lips.

"Your version of security is way off than ours" Corbyn blushed, only speaking when jacks finger left his lips.

"Hey you said you wanted a dog too. So I combined the two. But if you want a normal security guard then that's cool" Jack teased, Corbyn giggled.

"Nah you rock the dog look."

"Corbyn, I always rock"

"Yeah, your right"

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