first wish

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"WHAT?!" The curly haired asked as the girl smirked at him. "I dont date but I love teasing"

"Mhm sure, plus you wouldnt want to hurt him right?"

Jack thought about it then frowned, "I mean I guess not."

Jack shook his head, "anyways, let's get to know each other I'm bored."

"Uh sure why not?" Penny smiled, she took a seat in front of Jack.

"So, what's your favorite color?" Jack asked, the brunet struggling to not use his magic.

"Blue, yours?"

"Hmm its different every time but honestly, mostly purple. Any siblings?" Jack answered.

"A brother" she responded with a shrug.

"Cool I have 3 did" Jack frowned, he looked away and sighed.

"Aw I'm sorry" Penny frowned, she got up and hugged the curly haired boy.

"It's not... not fair" Jack sniffled, "I miss them" he whispered.

"I'm sure they're in a better place," Penny tried to calm Jack.

"I hope so" jack wiped his tears, "so...sorry you had to see me like that."

"Hey its okay, I'm sure they meant a lot to you. It's okay to cry" the girl gently told him.

"Thanks" Jack smiled. "So uh what food do you crave the most?"

"Chicken! That's a obvious one" Penny snorted, jack chuckled.

"When did you become a fan?"

Jack thought about it, unsure of what to say. "Um... well you know my friend... he kinda told me about the boys and I liked their music. Then I decided to show off my voice to them" he joked.

"Your voice is definitely brag-worthy" she teased.

Jack smirked, "thanks blonde. What's your biggest pet peeve?"

"How do I know your not gonna annoy me if I tell you?" Penny eyed the curly haired.

"You dont" jack cheered, "comeon tell me"

"People who chew with their mouth open."

Jack scrunched his nose, "yes that is SO annoying" the boy groaned in agreement. "Favorite Song?"

Jack, being through so many era's had a really hard time to choose. He was in some serious thought, but after a minute of thinking he shrugged, "too many to just say one. Did you always want to he a singer?"

"Yeah, it's always been a dream" Penny exclaimed excitedly.

"Livin' the dream huh" Jack chuckled.

"Yep, what's your inspiration?"

Jack stopped again, "um..." he never really got to do anything he wanted. Casting wishes was his duty. He never got to do anything he wanted to do realistically. "I guess just seeing people happy" he replied his voice going monotone almost.

"Well you seem like a really funny guy so that's not hard is it?" Penny smiled, jack scoffed to himself.

At least someone notices my talents. He thought.

"Thanks, hmm... if you were a superhero what would your power be"

"Ummmm.... telekinesis" Penny said, "what about you?"

Jack widened his eyes, just one. "Um probably mind reading" one of the only things I cant do.

Jack then thought about his past for a moment. A common theme for him was for him to tell lies just to make his master happy. "What's better... truthfulness or happiness?" He blurted.

"That's a... depressing question"

"I know... but what would you say?" Jack asked, wanting an answer.

"Well... truthfulness. Always" Penny said, "okay if you could relive any moment in time what would it be?"

Jack hummed, "good question. There's a lot but umm" was it the 90's or was it the 2000's?

"90's or the 2000's people weren't so... depressed."

"That is very true" Penny giggled, as she went silent the two heard loud cheering. "Oh look at that they're done almost"

"Really?" Jack jumped up, then cleared his throat, "I mean cool."

Penny gave a knowing look, that jack just ignored. He smirked and looked at her.

"You like Zach"

Penny blushed, "! We're just... friends! Yeah... friends"

"Sure, because the blush doesn't give it away. You like him" jack teased, "I'm gonna tell him"

"You like corbyn!"

"I do not!" Jack argued, "I literally just met him"

"Love at first sight?" She told him wiggling her eyebrows.

You know what fine, blond is cute if I do say so myself. "You know what your right. He is adorable if I do say so myself. Expecially since I can fluster him. But to go as far as saying I love him. No"

Penny nodded, "that's fair. ZACH!"

The boys came back the brunet instantly being tackled by the girl. He chuckled and groaned.

Daniel and Jonah were talking to each other leaving Corbyn alone on his own. Jack followed him as he went to the dressing room. Corbyn smiled but didnt acknowledge Jack.

"So how'd it go?" Jack asked, hovering as Corbyn closed the door.

"Good. I have my first wish" Corbyn began to get undressed.

Jack sighed wondering if that meant Corbyn would think of his wishes faster.

"Uh yeah of course Corbyn, your wish is my command"

"I wish for you to always be there for me"

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