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CORBYN let himself get carried away, picking up Jack and ruffling his curls. He broke away feeling a jolt, hissing in pain.

"Jacky please" he whispered, kissing him again, "come on"

"Corby what are you doing?" Isla asked quietly, "that's my brother."

Corbyn felt a twitch from Jack so he continued to kiss him, ignoring isla for the time being. The blond hoping something was going to happen.

Just as Corbyn was about to break away a hand touched his cheek, lips moved back against his own.

"JACKY" Isla yelped happily, she was pulled back by one of the others.

"Mm remind me why I didnt do that sooner" The curly haired boy rasped, kissing him again. He touched foreheads with Corbyn's and closed his eyes.

"Your okay" Corbyn whispered, nuzzling him.

"Your didnt think it was going to be that easy to get rid of me did you?" Jack teased, his arms tightly wrapping around the boy, his lips meeting Corbyn's head.

"What even happened?"

"The magical barrier between the underworld and the real world is really strong. My magical abilities can get me through but I loose some of my magical properties because of how much energy it takes" Jack explained, he gestured for Isla to come to his other side. Corbyn moved slightly, jack tightened his grip around the blond boy.

Which Isla got into Jack's lap; She nuzzled him and smiled. "Jacky I like corby, he's nice and helped us get clothes and food. He's so cool"

Jack smiled, "yeah he's pretty amazing."

Corbyn blushed, Isla giggling in agreement. Jack got up humming.

"Where's Ava?"

"In her room" Isla responded, she wiggled free from Jack and pointed to the room.

"I had an extra room might as well" Corbyn looked at Jack, jack shuffled Corbyn again and kissed his lips.

"What happened to waiting till I found a way?" Corbyn whispered, he nuzzled his head in Jack's neck.

"Well..." Jack shrugged, "your lips as just so kissable..." he sighed running a hand through his hair, "and you make me feel things baby"

Corbyn blushed madly at being called baby by Jack. The two looked at each other for a hot minute.

Corbyn giggled, "I'm gonna let you connect with your sisters."

"Well if you need me call me" Jack put down Corbyn. Corbyn slightly frowned but nodded. Jack didn't leave without giving Corbyn one last kiss.

As jack left, corbyn touched his lips smiling lovesickly. And he became even more determined to find a way to get jack to stay with him.


Jack hugged Ava tightly, "hey you"

"Im so happy. Your the best brother ever jay" Ava said happily. Holding him back, missing the hugs she got from him.

Jack chuckled kissed her head and picked her up. He played with her hair gently. "What did they do to you?"

Ava frowned, sighing, "they kept injecting drugs into us. And they'd rape me. But they mainly just tried to take the powers we had from us." She raised her knees. "It was terible.." she let a stray tear out.

"Im sorry Ava, I wish I could've saved you sooner." He pecked her head and smiled.

"So you like corbyn?" She asked, changing the topic.

Jack only smirked, then smiled. "You know it"

"Are you gonna be with him? He likes you back..." ava asked gently. She wanted her brother happy.

"How could I av? Its impossible... im a genie and hes not." Jack frowned.

"But there's gotta be a way for you to be happy jacky, you know the legend of the freed genie" Ava took his hands, hugging him. Knowing her brother needed it.

"I just don't know what... he wanted to wish for me to always be there but its against genie law, or from what the long ass scroll says" Jack sighed, he hugged her back tightly not letting go.

Jack frowned. Ava snuggled his chest, "you'll figure it out, i know it" she promised him... "but im not gonna be here for that, I want to see the world. See everything that's changed and has come to be"

Jack looked down at her and chuckled, he squeezed her tighter, "you were always the adventurous one. Just stay safe, keep in contact, alright?"

Ava nodded and rolled her eyes, "its amazing you think I'd not do that. I don't want to lose you again, I'm not leaving right away, ill stick with you still Corbyn's band is done with tour."

Jack got giddy as Ava said Corbyn's name. He mentally groaned, he hated how Corbyn made him feel. He had never had such strong feelings towards another. But Corbyn made him feel happy. An emotion jack usually never felt. Corbyn made him feel important. Not like he was just a tool, or toy to be played with. 'Fuck!' I'm going to be with this boy even if I meet my death. I need him. Jack told himself.

"Jack? Jack?!" Ava said repeating his name over and over.

Jack shook his head, confused. "Huh?"

"Are you alright? I expected a response and I've been saying your name for the past 5 minutes" the dark haired girl replied, worried.

"Yeah I'm fine." Jack replied with a heavy smile, and Ava instantly knew he was thinking about Corbyn.

Ava never saw her brother so... lovesick. The smile jack had just now... she knew nothing was going to break those two apart.

Corbyn Besson and Jack Avery were meant for each other.

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