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JACK smiled at the boys who watched in amazement.

"Wait you were a genie the whole time?" Daniel said speechless,

Jack nodded, "Sure was! Glad to meet you again" he laughed.

"What the fuck?" Penny said, confused, and amazed.

Jack turned into his human form and hummed.

Jonah looked from Corbyn and Jack. Thinking he was seeing things. "H-how... i-... when... what?"

"We get to see funny Jack more, YAY" Zach cheered.

Jack chuckled, "you boys should really be getting sleep. Unless Corbyn you wish to make the night last longer"

"No! I told you I did want to..." Corbyn looked at him panicked.

"Finding a genie and not making wishes? This kids high not me" Penny watched, zach laughed and started to take Penny from the room to their own.

Jack smiled, floating towards Corbyn, he kissed his cheek, "I know bubba, but you still have all three wishes."

"I don't want to risk it" Corbyn frowned, squealing when Jack picked him up and whisked up a bigger bed. He laid Corbyn down and kissed his head.

"Alright, sleep tight bean" Jack smiled, he used his magic to cover bean up.

"Sleep with me?"

"Hey! Who went through my stuff!" They heard jonah.

Jack giggled, "oops"

Corbyn rolled his eyes, "sleep with me Jacky'

"Genie's dont sleep Corbyn" jack told the boy, "we're not supposed to"

"Well... I dont care. Break the dumb rule and sleep with me... that's a dumb rule" Corbyn murmured making grabby hands for Jack.

Jack smiled, getting into the bed and laying down, his arms wrapping around Corbyn. "Alright, better?"



Jack waited impatiently for the boys to wake up. He'd stayed by Corbyn the whole night, the boy snuggling into him.

He heard noises from Jonah and Daniel's bed and got up. He turned himself invisible and went to spy on them.

"Jonah, do we have to." Daniel whimpered, getting closer to Jonah.

"Yes baby, I'm sorry. You can sleep on the flight okay?" Jonah said, kissing his forehead.

Daniel sighed, jonah looked at Daniel and lifted his chin.

"Tell you what love, you just make sure everythings packed and you can go back to sleep." Jonah told the younger, Daniel smiled.

"Or you both can go back to sleep, watch this" Jack made himself seen, he snapped his fingers and everything the two needed to have packed was packed. Everything stacked in a corner.

"Whoa your real, I thought I was dreaming" Daniel saw the boy, Jack chuckled.

"Your welcome." Jack smirked, "enjoy cuddling"

"Thanks" jonah told the genie before pulling Daniel close.

Jack went back to Corbyn who was shivering and curling into himself. He pulled the boy into him and played with his hair. Pecking his nose and cheeks.

"Cutie" jack chuckled softly.

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