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JACK hummed walking along side Corbyn to the other boys. Penny with them with her mic hooked up as she was the boys preshow.

"Hey you got curls still" Zach chuckled, being the first one to notice them.

"I have a name, you know" Jack huffed, putting the beanie on to hide the curls.

Jack looked around, "is every backstage like this?"

"Wow I thought all mighty genie would know that" corbyn whispered in his ear.

Jack smirked, "it's called acting dear Corbyn"

Corbyn then nodded and Zach shook his head.

"No every place is different. But that's what makes touring so cool too." Jonah responded before Zach did. "Hey again, you have an amazing voice I want you to know that."

"Thanks" jack smiled brightly, "but you guys have better voices. I mean that's why your a band" he joked.

"Just because we're a band doesnt mean anything" Daniel looked up, after flipping his phone.

Jack laughed, "I can go higher"

"Oh really now?" The brunet smirked, "prove it... and if you break my phone I need money to repay it."

"Okay" Jack went the taller boy. He grabbed the phone. Flipped the phone in his hand throwing it up at the same time, then catching it as he lowered himself.

Jack then revealed the phone to be fine. Daniel stood shocked. Jonah laughed.

"You've met your match" Jonah told the younger. "What else can you do?"

"I can solve a rubik's cube" Jack smirked, "I can skateboard... um juggle, do really good impressions of others, and... that's about it"

"Whoa I wanna see you solve one" Zach gasped, Jack shrugged.

"I dont have one on me" Jack said, "so you cant" silently and quickly he whisked his fingers making a cube appear in on the floor near the hallway.

"Darn your right" Zach sighed sadly, "hmm..." he thought but his eyes saw something in the corner of his eye.

"Wait theres one!" Zach said running towards the hallway bending down and giving it to Jack. "Comeon I wanna see this"

Jack nodded, he took it and scrambled it. "Okay watch"

Jack started to solve it and he was done within 10 seconds. Zach's mind was blown and so was Jonah's.

"Whoa- that's cool. You have got some serious talent" jonah told the boy.

Jack smirked, "I know in singing I'm worse but you know everything else I could probably beat you in."

Daniel looked at Jack, "so you say you can juggle well so can i," he grabbed the phones from the table and his own taking them to Jack. While juggling them, "let's see you do it"

"Easy peasy" Jack began to juggle them, before daniel gave him the last one he smirked, "throw it in Seavey"

"I think this fan is more concerned in showing off" Zach joked as he watched the boy.

"Okay we get it your talented" the brunet whined, "stop it."

Jack chuckled and stopped putting down the phones. "Well I see your friend went on stage. I should leave you guys alone"

Jack started to leave but as he did, he hissed in pain quietly and his ring shocked him. Meaning either he was too far from Corbyn or Corbyn wanted him.

But when he tried to go again security guards blocked him. "Jack Avery, Corbyn Besson has stated you are not to leave until after the show."

"But-I" jack sighed and began walking the other way.

"So you just met Corbyn today?" Zach asked putting his elbow on Jack's shoulder.

"Yeah, pretty much, why?"

"Well Corbyn keeps looking at you and you keep looking at him expectantly." Zach smirked, "wait are you guys-"

"No" Jack said with harshness in his voice. "I dont date."

"Oh" Zach put his hands up quickly.

"Hey, guys" Corbyn came back, the boys not noticing he left. "I have a confession"

"What?" Daniel spoke first curious.

Jack studied Corbyn then realized he was going to mention himself.

"So heres the truth to why I was late this morning, I uh I went out to eat breakfast but I spilt my breakfast all over my hands and ring. And I kinda... well I kinda found a genie?"

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