miss me?

192 12 4

CORBYN followed the boys into the limousine. Their manager insisting they used it. His cheeks still pink due to Jack's actions.

"So Corbyn, if you were so call talking to your genie-"

"Wait what about a genie?" Penny asked, confused.

"Corbyn claims he found a genie" Zach told her, playing with her hair.

"I did!" Corbyn complained.

"Corbyn" Penny looked at him, "what drugs are you on?" She laughed.

Corbyn gave a blank expression to her and ruffled his hair.

"Wait this dude is serious?" She looked around the guys nodding. "There's no way, your playing with me."

Corbyn sighed, "b...but you've met him!"

"We have?" Daniel raised an eyebrow.

Corbyn nodded, "yeah..."


"The whole day..." Corbyn mumbled, "here I'll show you when we get back to the hotel"

"I dont believe this" Jonah rolled his eyes.

Penny narrowed her eyes, "can't wait"

Jack appeared next to Corbyn, "hi bean, so your going to show me off huh?"

"You dont mind right..." Corbyn whispered quietly.

Jack shook his head, "it's up to you" he smiled.

"Well my friends seemed to like you so..." corbyn smiled, jack giggled.

"Because I'm awesome" jack bragged. He hummed, sitting on Corbyn and playing with his hair.

"Yeah... from what I've seen you are" the boy mumbled.

Jack smirked, "well I'll see you at the hotel bubba" he grabbed Corbyn's chin and kissed his forehead.

"Wait don't go." Corbyn whined. But jack had already disappeared.


Jack peaked through Corbyn's stuff. Being nosey. He grabbed something seeing it was a photo.

He noticed it was Corbyn and others, to which he guessed was his family. He smiled, Corbyn looked slightly younger.

He then put everything neatly back inside Corbyn's bag. Noticing it was nicer than before. Jack was a very organized person.

He decided to snoop through the other boys' things too. He found a lot of pictures. He ended up organizing them too, not able to handle the mess it was.

He didnt mind Daniel's though, Daniel's was very clean. He decides to mess with them a bit though and hide a few of the boys things.

As he closed Zach's suitcase he heard the boys laughter. He poked his head out seeing Zach was chasing Penny and Jonah and Daniel were talking. Corbyn had earbuds in.

Jack hovered into Jonah, Corbyn, and Daniel's room. Laying on the couch. He groaned bored.

"How do you guys have so much energy" Jonah groaned as he entered their room.

"I'm high" Penny joked, Zach snorted, "you crackhead"

"Hey you like this crackhead!"

Daniel entered the hotel room, yawning. "I'm so tired. And we've got an early flight tomorrow"

"Yeah so zach and Penny go to your rooms. And try not be up all night." Jonah said, Zach rolled his eyes.

"Yes dad" Penny mumbled, jonah gave her a look.

"I'm serious. Zach has some major issues waking up in the morning." Jonah told her before he went to the bed.


"He's got a point Zach" Penny chuckled, zach look offended.

"Wait before you all go to sleep, I did say I'd prove i found a genie." Corbyn gulped.

Jack heard genie and teleported next to Corbyn.

"Oh yeah, let's see this" Daniel smirked.

Corbyn looked at Jack who gave him a small smile.

"Come out Jack," the blond said.

Jack flew above them and he twirled being in his true genie form. Purple dust exploding as he appeared to everyone.

"Miss me?"

genie || jarbynNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ