Strawberry frappuccinos-Coffee au

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The 'Little Coffee House' stood on the edge of the lake in town. It had a large window that ran the full width of the building across 4 of its five walls. The pentagonal prism was in the centre of the horshoe known as the Lakeside Shopping District. The perfect position for the coffee house as it was twenty minutes from the edges of the district with shops of all kinds darted between it and the parking lot opposite but across the lake. These twenty minutes however were twenty minutes that Katie didn't have. She was late. Very late. And her tardiness could cost her this job. She had only just pulled into the parking lot and was supposed to be there ten minutes ago. She didn't need to get a ticket despite all the cars having one. But she didn't have a car so there was no need to bother. She decided to cycle down the pavement to the coffee shop, it made it faster. The only thought that went through her mind was 'I've blown it, of all the days that everything could go wrong, today was the worst.' The universe seemed to hate her. Her alarm didn't go off, then her bicycle had a punctured tire, she forgot her phone, there was so much traffic, she got pulled over by the cops for her headlights not working (despite being on a bike and having no head lights) and just as she reached the doors, her brakes failed. She flew straight over the handle bars and landed on her butt infront of a cute barista, who was holding the door open.
        "You must be Katie," the man's eyes seem to be laughing at her, yet his lips showed a welcoming smirk. "I'm Travis, I'm taking your interview. The boss had a ballet recital to attend for his sister. Being late isn't the greatest start though" he laughed at her, the audacity he had was going to become tedious very soon but he still offered Katie, which she accepted.
           He lead her through to the back office where they sat on bean bags and they began talking. Katie told him about her awful morning and he found it hilarious. He told her about his interview and 'The Little Coffee House curse'. Apparently every employee there had a terrible interview day. He told her how on his first day he fell into the lake and how on his boss' she had spilt the ice tea all over her employer. It was a surprisingly chill interview. She discovered that he was majoring business and theater, a strange combination but still. He found out that the pretty girl went to the same college as him but was taking biology and botanical studies. The whole talk seemed to be more of a flirting session then an interview. Their conversation ended and headed to the main section, stood the other side of the counter and requested the strangest thing.
          "Make me your favourite drink."
She looked confused so he explained himself "The last part of the interview is that the person being interviewed makes the employer their regular. So make me your favourite drink, what you would order. He handed her the recipe book and she flicked through until she found it.
               "One strawberry frappuccino coming right up." She folliwed the recipe as closely as she could but strugled with one thing. "How do you use this thing? Oh wait nevermind I'll just take the price as a tip."
                She scoulded herself immediately for making a joke like that about the cash register but he laughed. Katie liked his laugh. She pushed the drink over to him, sprinkling cinnamon over the top of the cream. He stuck a straw in it and took a sip. Surpisingly it was good.
                 "I'm impressed, it's just that this drink isn't quite manly enough for me but if I was a regular customer I would definitely tip." He slid her the money across the counter anyway and told her how to use the register, before she could tell him he'd payed too much he interupted her thoughts to tell her that it was her tip.
               The bell of the door rang and in walked a man with black hair and sea green eyes holding the had of a six year old wearing a tutu.
              "Estelle why don't you go make Travis make you a mango slushy" the child ran over to Travis, hugged his legs and climbed onto a stool. Leaning over the counter, she stole a cookie before pointing to Katie.
               " Don't tell my brother" the only witnessed nodded as Estelle gestured to the man who she walked in with, who was now talking to Travis. She shoved the whole thing in her mouth and put a finger to her lips. "Percy! I like this one can she work here?"
                "Based on the feedback from Mr Moppy hair," he ruffled Travis' hair, earning a playful eye roll from the other college student. "You're hired, sorry about the curse this morning."
                 She was ecstatic...until she remembered how busted her bike was. Looks like she'd be walking back to campus.
            "I can give you a ride if you want" sugar! She'd said that out loud.

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