Chapter 8

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Nancy's P.O.V

While at home alone, the doorbell rang. I went to answer it and Carrie was there. Hey, can we talk? She asked. After I let her in she told me about having strange powers that her mother referred to as a "sinful act". I didn't know what to say. Then she told me that she's a girl from another time period. Then I brought the house down on top of us, woke up ten years later in Dr. Owens's lab, and that's how I ended up here, explained Carrie while pacing. Carrie...a lot of people, including you, are special, I said. You don't believe? She asked in shock. It's not that I don't believe you, it's ju- Then the couch lifted up by itself then dropped on it's own. I told you so, said Carrie. So your mother saw everything as a sin? That's stupid. How about I take you to Starcourt. Dustin said he took you there to watch a movie, so you and me spend some time there and have girl time, I suggested as we left the house.

El's P.O.V

It was very surprising to see two Mikes in one room. Like I said before, this is mind fucking, said Beverly

 Like I said before, this is mind fucking, said Beverly

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I-I-I-I 'm so confused right now, said Bill. Where's Carrie? Asked Will. Nancy took her to Starcourt, said Dustin. Okay I think we should introduce ourselves, I'm Max, this is Dustin, Lucas, El, Will, and you've already met Mike, said Max. D-d-do y-you guys have a-a name for y-y-y-your FUCKING group? Sorry, Asked Bill stuttering. Yes, we're called The Party, Losers Club, said Dustin. Later on we were all in the backyard when I heard Bill muttering something. He thrusts his fist against the p-post, and s-still insists he sees the ghosts, muttered Bill. What the Hell are you saying? Asked Max. A-a rhyme that my mom gave me to help with my s-s-stutter, said Bill.

Max's P.O.V

Does it help with the stutter? I asked. A-a little b-bit, said Bill. S-so you and Lucas? Asked Bill. We are on and off,  and right now we're off because I heard him whisper that redheads have no brains, I said.

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