Chapter 12

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Richie's P.O.V

We ended up going to a junkyard when we heard snarling. What the fuck was that? I said. It turned out to be a rabid dog chained to an old car. Yeah, fuck you too, Cujo, I said. ROBIN! We heard Ms. Byers yell. Ms. Byers? Said Max. I went to Jim and he said you kids were looking for a clown, said Ms. Byers. Holy shit, you saw IT, I said. If you're referring to a clown then yes, said Ms. Byers.

Will's P.O.V

Bob, before he died, said when he was a kid that he saw a clown in his nightmares named Mr. Baldo, I said. What does that have to deal with it? Asked Ben while we were sitting on New Starcourt's roof. He said he kept seeing him every night since he was a kid until he became brave enough to stand up to him and yell GO AWAY! I said. What are we even doing up here, anyway? Asked Ben. This is where the soviets opened up a gate to the Upside Down to use Demogorgans as weapons, I said. Uh, W-W-Will w-what's t-t-that? Asked Bill. I looked at what Bill was looking at and saw a Demo Dog. So I took out my supercom to alert everyone. CODE RED! CODE RED!! I yelled. Where? Asked Mike. New Starcourt, I said. Okay, meet you there, said Mike.

Steve's P.O.V

After getting Will's code red, we all ran out of the station and got in Hopper's truck. I ended up accidentally grabbing Carrie's hand. Sorry, I said taking my hand off of hers. She started blushing and so did I.

Mike's P.O.V

Okay we need to know what else the Mind Flayer does, Will, I said. I don't know anything else because he's going after Carrie...but Billy might know, said Will. But Billy's been dead for about a year now, I said. I know but what if El and Carrie can resurrect Billy with their powers. What if they can restore his life and memories? Will said getting excited. I'll need someone to show me how first, said El as she walked in with Beverly. My sister in Chicago, Kali, said Eleven. I can take her, said Hopper walking in.

Hopper's P.O.V

After a 3 hour drive to Chicago, we finally made it into city limits. I turned the radio to a static channel while El put a blindfold on. I found her, said El. Old abandoned library, she said. We ended up walking to the library just to stretch out our legs.

El's P.O.V

I walked in with Hopper following right behind me. After a few minutes of walking around we ended up finding Dottie. Dottie! I said getting her attention. Kali! Jane's back! Said Dottie. Well shave my mow hawk and call me Adam, said Axel. Ms. Jane, said Funshine smiling. Well what the Hell, said Mick. Jane?! Said Kali coming down the stairs. El I'm guessing this is your sister, said Hopper pointing to Kali. I nodded. Hopper this is Axel, Kali, Mick, Dottie, and Funshine, everyone this is my Dad Jim Hopper, I said introducing him to the group. Well we don't care, said Axel pointing a knife at Hop. Back the fuck off! Shouted Hopper pointing his gun at Axel. Who the fuck do you think you are? Cursed Axel. Hawkins Chief of Police, said Hopper. Both of you, STOP! I yelled and they both stopped. I went and hugged Kali and she hugged back. I filled her in on everything. Do you know how to bring someone back from the dead? I asked. Yes but it's going to be some Frankenstein levels of insane shit, she said.

Carrie's P.O.V

It was just me, Dustin, Will, and Bill digging up the body of this Billy guy. Anyone else think we shouldn't be doing this? Asked Dustin.


Well think about it, Carrie, we're digging up a dead corpse of a douche bag and we didn't even tell Max because he's her step brother, explained Dustin.

G-G-GUYS! I'VE G-GOT S-SOMETHING! Shouted Bill. I pulled the coffin out with my powers the rest of the way.

What the HELL are you doing?! Shouted Max.

Max...we're trying to learn more about these evil monsters so...we're resurrecting your brother.

Then I'm helping you guys, said Max.

Mike's P.O.V

El and Hopper got back with a group of people. She told me how we're resurrecting Billy.

Max's P.O.V

So how are we bringing him back?

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