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It was December, 1941, A rather cold and bitter bombing run in the North Atlantic had caused a nearby Landcaster to crash on an uncharted island in the Atlantic. A British pilot named Peter Thomas could be heard screaming from a distance as he plummeted from the sky about to meet his fate of hitting solid ground.

Quickly, close to death, Thomas pulled the ripcord to his parachute. As soon as the parachute caught him he still hit the ground. It was still a very hard landing but he was still alive. He saw his plane crash and blow up in flames. Without thought he ran to the plane so see if he could scavenge anything.

Everything in the plane had seemed to be burnt. No equipment on the plane survived. The one other thing is that Peter was the only one who made it to the island. Everyone had been separated from each other and most likely lost at sea or dead. Peter was alone.

Peter had taken a knee and pondered. Memories had been taking their course as they had been shot down. Peter was the radio operator. His job was to keep in touch with control and noting the location of enemy fighters. Their mission was to go on a bombing run and destroy the Graf Zeppelin. Their mission had been a failure and their squadron was constantly being shredded by flak guns, German fighters, and dud bombs.

Peter's Lancaster's fate was caused by a German 109 ripping several bullets into its wing. Unfortunately for Peter and his crew, the German 109 had hit their fuel line and engines causing a massive fire to break loose on their left wing. In order to survive Peter and the others on board were ordered to meet at the bomb bay. With the doors open they each bailed one by one. Peter didn't see any other parachutes near him when he landed on the isle. He was alone.

"I can't stay on this beach forever," Peter said to himself. "Jerries may send out patrols, I'm losing daylight, I barely have anything to survive or protect myself, worst of all I barely have any rounds on my gun." With this Peter prepared himself and set off for the woods.

The journey was long. Peter had searched the woods constantly and unfortunately hadn't found anything useful or any clues on where he was. Peter decided to take a rest and sit down. Unfortunately for him he was sitting behind a cliff and lost his balance. He tumbled down the hill and hit the ground hard. "Bloody hell." Peter groaned and he began to get up. As he raised his head he stumbled upon something strange. He didn't quite know what it was but it looked like a UFO. 'Is this some new German bunker?' Peter thought to himself. It didn't look like anything he had seen before. Drawing his knife Peter had entered the spaceship.

The interior seemed strange. He had always heard the term that by the year 2000 we'll have things that look nothing like they do now. There was something above what appeared to be doors. It seemed like writing. Peter had studied many languages in college. He wanted to be multi-tasked in language. However, the language written on the ship did not look like any of the languages he had studied. In fact, it didn't look like any language to ever exist on Earth. He proceeded to search the ship. There were typical household items on board the ship. 'It must be some sort of jerry outpost.' Peter though until he came upon a bedroom.

It seemed like any other bedroom until he came upon the wardrobe. He peeked inside and inside were what seemed to be giant clothing. "What kind of clothing is this?" Peter said as he inspected one of the clothing pieces.

Feeling freaked out by all this Peter left his spear and headed for the exit. Just as he reached the exit he ran into someone. This figure seemed peculiar and also alien. By the basic structure of the being's body Peter suggested female. She had scaly skin with some sort of netting. She appeared to be 8 feet tall while Peter was only 6 feet tall. She had worn some piece of armor on her chest and arms, these sort of web-toed feet with some sort of sandal-like theme. She also had worn a belt with different skulls on. But what really got Peter was her mask. It had some sort of grey texture to it. The black filters for where the eyes would look terrifying. Her appearance looked scary enough. Suddenly she said something in English, though with a deep tone to it. "How did you get here, and what are you doing on my ship?"

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