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Peter had awoken. His arm seemed to be feeling a lot better. He removed his dress jacket and looked at his shoulder. Somehow it had miraculously healed. 'How long was I out?' Peter wondered to himself. He then headed out of the room he was in. He went into the main room and what appeared to be on the couch was the female humanoid. "You're awake finally," she said, sounding positive. She had looked different. She had not been wearing any armor. Instead leather clothing. It wasn't really clothing, but it still covered her parts. "Finally?" Peter said, confused. "How long was I out?"

"When I removed the spear you apparently passed out from blood loss," she responded. "You've been out for a day. I patched you up and gave you a bed."

"Thanks for that." Peter said. "Also where's my uniform?"

"You won't need it now," she said. "Ok." Peter responded. He then sat down on the couch. "Also I never got to ask you your name."

"My name is Akarra," she said. "I am blooded and have no clan. And you are?"

"My name Is Peter Thomas." Peter introduced. "Radio operator to the Lancaster 'Target for Tonight', and First sergeant to the 369th Bomber squadron of the United Kingdom's RAF." Peter said. "My mission was to destroy the Graf Zeppelin, but our mission was a failure as we were mowed down by Jerry flaks." Akarra had remembered seeing his plane crash. "Was that you I heard screaming back on the island?" Akarra asked. "Well yes." Peter responded. "Originally there were seven of us. When our plane was shot down I was separated from my crew. Somehow I managed to make it onto the island."

"I was wondering if you would like to take a shower." Akarra offered. Peter had not had a proper bathe in quite a while. "I'd be delighted to." Peter responded. "Back home the only hygiene we had to offer was oral hygiene."

Akarra would go and start the shower. She put her hand up to the water to feel its temperature then came back. "It may take a while to heat up." Akarra said. "It's fine." Peter responded. Akarra would put her finger on a mark on Peter's arm she had not noticed before. "This scar," she started. "How did you get it?"

Off the Cliffs of Dover. August, 1940. A group of bombers would be flying over the English Channel. Peter would be in the radio room. "Climb to 2,500 feet." Peter would order the pilot. "Copy," responded 2nd lieutenant David Gregors. "Climbing to 2,500 feet." The bombers would climb to the height. "How you lads doing?" Asked the flight engineer Donald Pritchard. "Other than freezing my ass off, quite fine." Responded mid gunner Joseph Harper. "I think you'll say otherwise when the Jerries are trying to take your head," said navigator Oswald Avery. Everyone in the bomber would give a bit of a chuckle. They'd stop at the sound of an explosion. "We got Jerry flaks firing on us." Said Gregors. "Gibson, how much longer?"

"Twenty seconds!" Shouted Fredrick Gibson aiming. "Bombs away!" He then shouted as the bombs had been released. "Thomas to squad leader," Peter said, "we have successfully dropped the bombs on target."

"Copy Thomas," said the operator from the lead bomber. "Our mission is over. Let's head back to base." All the bombers had turned around and set wind for their voyage home.

On the way back, when all seemed calm, bullets had ripped into the waist of the bomber. "Hostiles! Ten o'clock high!" Peter said. Machine guns from all planes had fired constantly as Peter had been giving out coordinates. One of the stray bullets had skimmed Peter's arm, yet he didn't notice until they got back to base."We're almost across the English Channel!" Gregors Announced over the crew. The crew began to cheer. Then, without notice, a 109 had shot right into the rear of their tail. Harper had fired off at the German fighter as it flew off. "Mason do you copy?" Peter broadcasted over the radio. "Mason!?" Mason, the rear gunner, had been shot dead by the 109. Harper had gone to check as he saw Mason's body as his head was rolled back along with his eyes. "Mason's down!" Shouted Harper. "I repeat: Mason is down!"

"Bloody hell!" Shouted Bridger, the navigator.

Peter had finished up the story to Akarra. "I'm sorry for your loss," She responded. "Afterwards," Peter summarised, "we had a new tail gunner afterwards and had Mason buried, and had a message sent to his friends and family." The shower would be done heating up after this. "Anyways, I think the shower's done," said Akarra.

Peter would enter, get undressed, and take the shower. It had felt like ages since he last had a shower, and that the only water he had seen was for brushing your teeth, drinking, or the ocean. Even though the shower was a bit bigger than at home, Peter didn't seem to care. After a while, Akarra stepped into the shower. This made Peter feel a little uncomfortable, but at this point, and with all the time he spent in the war, he didn't seem to care.

They stayed silent for some time until Peter had asked a question he's been itching to ask for a while. "So, I have to ask," said Peter, "out of all people in this galaxy, why would you choose me?"

"Well," said Akarra. "For my people mating season is supposed to be coming up soon." This made Peter feel uncomfortable as he backed up. "I couldn't find anyone on my planet who suited me so I came in search on Earth. Somehow you seemed to flatter me." Peter didn't know what to say. His father always wanted him to marry whoever comes to his liking. He never specified if they had to be from Earth, but he wasn't quite sure just yet.

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