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Peter had begun to wake up from getting his ass handed to him by an unknown life-form. He didn't know how long he was knocked out for. But when he got out of the ship what he did know for sure was he was not on Earth anymore. He looked around and from the looks of it, the planet seemed like Earth. Peter soon heard voices and immediately he hid behind a rock.

What he saw was another humanoid figure. This one looked rather different. He had blackish, greyish skin, the same height as the figure he saw earlier, and some sort of skin on the end of his mask. It kind of looked like a jawline, but with teeth. Judging by the structure of his body Peter implied that this was a male.

Peter began to look closer to see what it was the male was hitting. He saw a pillar but there was more. On the pillar was someone that Peter recognised. At first he wasn't quite sure who it was, then it came to him. It was the female from earlier. But that wasn't all. There was something different about her. He then realized what it was. She had been stripped away from her clothing not wearing anything and was somehow incapable of moving her arms and legs. Something else Peter saw was that she wasn't wearing her mask. Her face was something to look at though. She had four crustacean-like mandibles, her dreadlocks were more visible, and he could see her eyes. They were green like jade, which were quite pretty.

The male looked to be whipping her and cutting her with what appeared to be blades. Also he was saying something in a language that Peter could not comprehend. 'He must be speaking the same language that was written on the ship.' Peter thought. It sounded like some sort of mix between Hindu, Hebrew, and Russian. From his tone though, it sounded like he was angry for some reason.

Peter knew he may have to defend himself to get away so he started to load his Welbey. Unfortunately he must have been making too much noise because the male had spotted Peter. The male had let out a fearsome roar as he ran for Peter. Peter reacted by running away. As Peter ran, something landed right next to him that had shocked him. It looked like a ball of blue energy. Peter didn't have enough time to look as the ball exploded afterwards. Peter had fallen down as the male caught up to him. Reaching for his gun, Peter fired a shot into the male's torso. It leaked green, luminescent blood as the male screamed in agony. Peter had gotten up and drew out his knife as the fearsome beast drew out two blades from its wrist.

"C'mon you ugly fucker!" Peter triumphantly shouted. The male struck its blades across Peter. Peter ducked and slamed his knife into the male's legs. As he twisted it around the male screamed and cupped Peter's throat. As the male prepared to stab Peter, Peter broke away and fell on his back. With both of them battered and bruised the male charged in an attempt to finish Peter off. Without paying attention as the male bent down, it landed right on Peter's knife. As the life started to drain from the male humanoid, Peter yanked his knife out of the male's torso. The male fell to the ground lifeless as Peter stood up. "Yeah! That's what you get when you mess with me you little bugger!" Peter taunted at the lifeless alien as he even stuck up the middle finger. Peter then began to head back to where the female was.

As Peter reached the female, she had been where she was before. She had apparently seemed happy to see Peter. However Peter did not feel the same. Seeing that she was incapable of doing anything, Peter aimed his gun at the female's head and pulled back the hammer.

"What the hell was that thing back there?" Peter asked, sounding quite stern. "And where the hell have you taken me?"

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