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Peter had been freaked out more than ever. He tried to let out a scream but nothing came out. He started to back away. Without hesitation, Peter drew his Welbey and fired a shot into the female figure's armor. The bullet had bounced off, almost like if the armor was as strong as the armor on a tank. "Don't try that human," said the female figure. Without listening to the figure's warning and with seeing no penetration, Peter had fired off five more shots into the humanoid's armor and had no luck.

With an empty gun Peter drew out his hunting knife and positioned himself as if he was in a knife fight. The female humanoid did not seem threatened. 'Some sort of German super soldier.' Peter thought, looking at the humanoid. Peter charged at the unknown female with his knife, trying to stab her. The humanoid evaded Peter's attack without hesitation. Seeing his attack had done nothing, Peter turned to his side in an attempt to slash the being's torso. Same as before the being had the female being had evaded Peter's attack. To the female being Peter had looked as if he was embarrassing himself. By the look of his stance she could see he was really trying to put up a fight. So far the being had been letting Peter try and take a shot at her. Now she decided to wrap up the fight.

So when Peter moved forward and tried to stab her in the gut she dodged and actually grabbed his arm with the knife. She tightened her grip on his arm making him drop his knife. As soon as her opponent's weapon was dispersed, she threw a quick punch in his gut, knocking the air out of his lungs and threw him aside. After trying to get back on his feet, Peter took off his oxygen mask, picked his knife back up and faced the being.

"You don't back down so easily, do you?" The female said preparing herself as she saw Peter. Peter let out a cry and charged at the female warrior. She counter-attacked Peter's charge and threw him over herself. Peter landed on his back and got back up. The female seemed impressed as Peter didn't go down so easily. Peter on the other hand was not amused. He ran at her as she threw him to a wall. This finally did it for Peter as he closed his eyes and was knocked out.

Peter began to remember hunting with his father when he was younger. When he was a kid. Before he had left for college. Before he moved to London. "Father," Peter asked his father, "why don't mother and Anna work in the fields and hunt with us?"

"Because Peter," his father responded, "we all do our fair share on the ranch. You and I work on the fields and hunt, while your sister and mother tend to the livestock." Peter's father would then stop him as he saw a deer. Peter would aim his rifle at the animal and take the shot. The bullet would be a clean shot to the neck. "Nice shot son," said Peter's father. "We should split up and cover more ground. Just rabbits. If you get in any trouble just let out a scream."

"Ok father." Peter responded. Growing up Peter had been a well taught child. He went to school, was capable of taking care of himself on his own, he could even hold a rifle. By this time he was only thirteen while his sister was fifteen.

As Peter journeyed into the wilderness he began to get cocky. His dream was that when he was older he wanted to be an explorer and journey to dangerous places no man ever treads. Almost like a young Indianna Jones in today's time. He thought about it and thought the job that would get him closest to that would be paleontologist.

While off guard a fox had snuck up on Peter. This wasn't an ordinary fox though. It looked rabid and crazed. Afraid of taking a shot and being attacked, Peter ran through the woods. He began to scream for his father as the rabid animal chased him through the woods. His father saw him and shot the fox. Peter had then ran into his father's arms. "Dad, I..." Peter stuttered feeling embarrassed for making so much noise. "It's ok son," his father replied with a calming voice. "It's ok to be scared. I've felt the same way when I was your age."

At this point Peter was just relieved his classmates weren't there to see him screaming for his life. Kids back then were as brutal as they are today.

"C'mon," his father began, "we should start to get back to the ranch. I'll come back for your rifle later." The two began to walk back. That would be a near death experience Peter would never forget.

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