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As Peter slept soundly through the night, Akarra had woken him up in the middle of the night saying she wanted to tell him something. Peter had followed Akarra onto a rooftop. She had looked absolutely astonishing in the moonlight as she asked Peter to take a seat. Peter did so as Akarra sat down next to him. "I need to talk to you about why I'm not in such a good mood," she began. "I was in love with this human. You've probably seen his picture. He was a dear lover and good person who did good. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. When we first met he had saved me from crucifixion by some bad bloods. He told me these stories of his battles." Akarra began to tear up remembering the times she had with Peter. "When we got to this planet..." Akarra said, starting to cry, "I told him to stay in the house while I speak to some relatives. Every day I wish I had him come with me. I heard from my friend Agathri that he had been taken into the colosseum. I had tried to break free from the guards to get to him. He fought the heavyweight champion and was killed. It broke my heart. I never even got to say goodbye. I'd give anything just to see him again." Akarra had gotten up and left not wanting Peter to see her like this. Peter really wanted to show her that it was him in a new body, that he was there now and wanted to spend every second of his life with her, but couldn't get himself to do it. After some thinking Peter had gotten a genius idea.

Peter had gone into Akarra's room seeing her asleep, he kissed her forehead as he began to unfold his plan. The plan had taken hours but it was worth it. Now with everything set up all Peter could do was wait and hope for the best.

Akarra had woken up the next morning and stepped on something with her bare feet. It seemed like small shards of some sort. She looked up and found a letter. In yautja it read 'Follow this path that I have set to remember someone you shan't forget'. Not having anything else Akarra had put on her armor to prepare for what was yet to come. The path had led her throughout the city and into her ship. She followed the trail throughout the ship leading to different rooms. Within each room she had remembered the times she had with Peter. The awkward shower, their first time making out, etcetera. It had all led up to the ship's control panel where Peter was waiting for her. He had set a course for a special place on Earth. After a few days of traveling through space they had arrived.

Akarra had gotten out of the ship and could not believe where she was. She had been where her and Peter first officially met. Everything had been the same. The pillar was still there, the campsite too. Sure Peter may have pointed a gun at her and considered the thought of leaving her there for dead, but it was still a memory she'd cherish forever. The memories had started coming back to Akarra that she couldn't even ask Peter in the form of a yautja how he knew all this about her. She had gone into a meadow and meditated a little.

When she opened her eyes Peter offered to do some sparring. She accepted and prepared herself. And so the two had sparred and started to get along. This had all seemed familiar to Akarra but she decided not to say anything and let her guard down. Now that Peter had become a yautja, Ikaros and Phobos had slightly improved his skills in hand-to-hand combat. Eventually Akarra had knocked Peter down off his feet. Just as she thought she had won Peter had swept her legs and took her down with him. This was when it finally came to Akarra.

"Where'd you learn to do that?" Akarra asked. Peter realized from that move Akarra remembered him doing that to her long ago. Peter had pointed to the scar on his arm which had transferred on to his yautja body. Akarra had remembered doing that to Peter. "Are you him?" Akarra asked. Peter made some signs with his hands. "Peter?" Akarra asked. She said his name. As promised by the gods (demi-gods actually), Peter had been able to speak once more.

"I'm here Akarra." The first words Peter had said in a while. Realizing it had been phenomenal, Akarra had leaped into Peter's arms as Peter had caught her. The two lovers held each other being reunited once more. "I missed you more than anything," said. "No one can ever love me like you do Peter."
"Me too," said Peter. "I am more sorry for the pain I caused you for so long. I've given up everything and everyone I've known just to see you again."

"I'm sorry too," said Akarra. "I shouldn't have left you on your own because I was embarrassed being seen with you. I'm proud to be your spouse, and I always will be." Akarra then was about to remove Peter's mask. "Before you remove this mask," said Peter, "you should know you won't be looking into the same face as the human you saw back on earth." Akarra then removed the bio mask as it fell to the ground. He was correct. He had scars across his face, and a huge scar across his eye as Akarra cupped one side of his face with one of her hands. "I don't see the difference." Akarra said, smiling as she kissed Peter. The two then laid down in the field to begin their offspring.

And so Peter had gotten a new life as an alien, but he couldn't care less. Peter had been glad he joined the RAF. He never understood the motto For King and Country though. Now he understood. King, Country, and Beauty. That's what Peter had found in the war. It brought him to Akarra, and he is forever grateful for that.

The End

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