Chapter 8

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[Time skip to Thursday morning]

Shinsou's POV

I somehow actually managed to fall asleep last night without having a nightmare,  I looked at my clock to realize that it was only 5:29 am,  "Goddamnit.." I spoke with a groan as I fell back down onto my bed. 

I decided to say fuck it and just start to get ready now,   which might be a bad idea for later in the day,  but to be honest I don't really care right now. 

I rolled my ass out of bed and walked towards my dresser. 

I didn't have much colour in my closet,  90% of the clothes in there were black with some sort of wording or design on them,  the other 10% was mostly white,  which was made up of shoes,  hats and beanies,  with a few coloured Hawaiian button up shirts and a couple flannel shirts because gay.  

I threw on a random black shirt,  a red flannel over top of a black hoodie,  a pair of black distressed jeans and a pair of black converse shoes.  I also grabbed a few random bracelets and a white beanie. 

I decided to actually eat something for breakfast,  which ended up just being some leftover pizza that I had ordered a few nights ago from the fridge.  I didn't bother to heat it up so I just ate it cold,  which,  to be honest,  wasn't that bad. 

I checked my phone for the time,  thinking that it was Friday but instead it was only Thursday.  Why is this week going by so slowly!?  Why am I even being so impatient about this?  It's not like he's my crush and we're going on a date alone,  we're literally just going to buy some Halloween costumes with his group of friends,  it's like the furthest thing from a date. 

It was still only about 6:30,  which is when I usually start getting ready.  I decided to just paint my nails black,  since i usually leave around 7:00-7:15 because my shift starts at 8:00 and I usually stop at the Starbucks on the way there.  

[Time skip to 7:30]

I looked at the clock,  realizing that if I did not practically run to work then I would not be able to get to work on time if I stop to get my coffee,  which sucks since I will probably struggle to get through the day without it. 

"Shit..." I spoke,  quickly getting up from my place on the couch.  I grabbed my messenger bag,  slinging it over my shoulder before grabbing my phone and practically running out the door,  locking it behind me as I almost sprinted my ass down the hall.

I ran past the Starbucks,  looking at it longingly for a few seconds,  I didn't have time to get my morning coffee because my dumbass lost track of time and pressed stop on the alarms I put on my phone. 

I somehow managed to get there before my shift started,  well mainly because I was practically running as fast as I could. 

I stood there for a few seconds to catch my breath before glancing across the street to see Kaminari talking to,  I think Sero and Mina were their names?  But he also had two coffees in his hands,  which was kinda confusing since I didn't think he was the type to drink coffee. 

I realized I was staring at him and quickly looked away,  although I think he may have realized it to because he looked over to me with an almost confused expression.  He waved at me with a smile before saying goodbye to his friends and walking across the street to say greet me. 

"What are you doing with that coffee?"  I asked,  a small smile growing onto my face. 

"Oh.. Uhm,  I thought that I would get you morning coffee but since I don't know what you like I just guessed.. so, uh.. Here!" He said,  holding out the cup coffee for me to take.  I took it,  taking a small sip.

"Oh my God.." I spoke,  my eyes widening as I tried to adjust to the incredible taste.

"Is it that bad?" He asked meekly. 

"No,  it's just.. somehow incredibly good.."  I explained, still baffled by how good his guess was.

"Oh okay!" He spoke, his mood becoming happier. "Anyway, seems like you had a rough morning, huh Shin?" He said, pointing at my messed up hair.

"Oh! Uh yeah... I got distracted this morning and lost track of time, which ended up with me running here. Thanks for the coffee by the way." I spoke with a slight smile.

He smiled back at me, with his usual, bright smile before pulling down his sweater's sleeves. "I'm glad you like it!" He spoke.

"Is it just me or has this week been going by slower than usual?" I asked. To be honest it felt like it was Monday of next week, but it wasn't, it was only Thursday.

"Oh my god, I feel the same way! It feels like it should be like Wednesday of next week." He agreed.

I heard a knock on the window behind me to see my boss looking at me before opening the door. "Your shift started 15 minutes ago, care to explain why you haven't come in yet?"  He asked. 

I panicked,  how do I respond to this without getting fired,  well I guess not responding is a bad thing but I can't find myself a good excuse. 

I was about to speak before Kaminari spoke up "Oh!  Sorry that I was taking up his time,  he forgot his coffee this morning and our chat ended up being a little too long after I gave him mine."  He explained.  I was surprised by him jumping in,  but I just simply nodded in agreement. 

"Whatever just get to work."  He spoke before closing the door. 

I let out a sigh of relief "Thanks Kami."  I said with a small smile. 

"It's no problem really.  I never hesitate to help out a friend!" He spoke,  the bright smile returning on his face. 

His smile was like a ray of sunshine,  and I was lucky enough to be blessed by his light,  ugh that sounds so weird and cliché, well,  not cliché,  but like Lovey dovey.  "Anyway bye!"  I spoke,  turning and walking into the Tattoo Parlour. 

[Time skip]

The day was going by so slowly,  and it didn't help that there weren't many people coming into the parlour today. 

There were only like 1 or 2 people who had come in so far and they only got small tattoos,  so it didn't take up much of our time. 

I sat in one of the chairs,  staring out the window as I watch the cars go by.  I can usually wait like this,  maybe his impatience is rubbing off on me.. ugh. 

Jirou came over to me "You good?"  She asked,  I simply nodded "Are you sure?  You've been looking out that window for quite a while now."  She spoke. 

"Yeah this week has just been going by so slowly.  To be honest I don't know why I'm being so impatient about it."  I explained.  She nodded,  she understood,  but almost had a smug look on her face.

"Is this about costume shopping with the Bakusquad?"  She asked,  I simply nodded and she nodded along in agreement.  "Mhmm,  you like Kaminari right?"  She asked. 

"What?! No! We're literally just friends?"  I exclaimed,  getting caught off guard by her question.

"Yeah,  suurreee~" She spoke,  rolling her eyes with smirk. 

"I don't like Kami."  I repeated,  more stern this time. 

"Yeah,  yeah,  you just keep telling yourself that."  She continued to tease.  Why did I feel embarrassed when she asked?  It's not like I actually like him... right?

A/N: 1309 words.  I know I haven't been consistent,  per say but here's a longer chapter to try and make up for my absence.  Love y'all.

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