How It Began

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"Happy birthday!" Mal's parents yelled as she came downstairs.

"Thanks." Mal smiled cheerfully at them.

"I can't believe you're six." Her mom said.

"My little girl's growing up." Her dad said picking her up and spinning her around.


"So I was thinking we could go out for ice cream, then go to the park?" Her mom suggested.

"Yeah!" Mal shouted.

(At the park)

Mal was running around, then she bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry." Mal apologized rubbing her head.

"It's okay." They replied.

They both looked at each other and smiled. A few minutes later they were running around together.

(A couple months later)

"So what do you want Santa to bring you for Christmas?" Ben asked as him and Mal were building legos.

"I don't know." Mal answered with a shrug. "What about you?"

(Six years later)

"Mal need I remind you, we're going into middle school." Ben told her.

"Yeah so?" Mal questioned.

"Yes middle school." Ben repeated. "So why do you need to wear makeup?"

"Ben everyone our age is starting to wear makeup." Mal replied.

"Does Audrey wear makeup?" Ben asked.

"Probably." Mal answered with disappointment in her voice.

"I still can't believe Evie talked you in to dying your hair with her." Ben changed the subject not realizing Mal was upset.

"Yeah I can't believe it either, but you know Evie's wearing makeup too." Mal added.

"Well yeah she's Evie." Ben joked.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Mal looked back at him.

"I means Evie is always doing whatever it takes to look the best." Ben explained.

"Yeah I guess you're right." Mal smirked.

(First day of school)

"Okay time for pictures!" Mal's mom said as Ben's mom was beside her.

They both were holding their cameras to take pictures of Ben and Mal.

"Can't believe I'm saying this, but I would rather be at school than do this." Mal whispered to Ben.

"Low-key same." Ben whispered back and they both laughed.

(At school)

Ben and Mal walked in together. Then they were immediately greeted by Evie.

"Hey guys." Evie greeted them.

"Hey Evie." They both replied.

"Excited for today?" Evie asked.

"Why would we be excited to go to school?" Ben replied with a question.

"Everyone has grown up during the summer Ben. That means better looking boys." Evie explained.

"Right..." Ben nodded slowly. "Well if a boy wants to date my Mal. They're gonna have to get on my good side." Ben wrapped his arm around Mal.

"Just look at her man." Jay said to his friend, Carlos.

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