Middle School Dance

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(Few months later)

Mal, Ben, and Evie walked into school. Ben spotted Audrey and Chad talking with their other friends.

Mal noticed Ben looking at them, then she spoke up. "Ben it'll be okay." She put her hand on his back and gave him a smile.

Ben smiled back and leaned over to nudge Mal. "Thank you."

"Hey there guys." Jay greeted them as him and Carlos walked up. "Mal."

"Hey Jay." Mal replied barely looking up at him.

"You need something?" Ben stepped forward a little.

Mal grabbed his arm and pulled him back a little. "It's okay Ben." Then she looked at Jay. "What did you want though?"

"I was just ask you if..." Jay started to say.

But before he could finish the bell rang.

"Oops looks like it's time to get to homeroom. Guess you can't ask her." Ben teased and pulled Mal's hand while walking.

"It's okay man. You can ask her later." Carlos told him.

"Y-yeah." Jay nodded.

"Ugh! He can never catch the hint." Ben complained.

"Why are you so upset about it Ben? You have a crush on Mal?" Evie asked.

"No, it's just annoying. I mean he tries asking her out all the time and she always denies him." Ben explained.

"Maybe he thinks his answer will change." Evie suggested.

"Yeah, you don't have to be jealous Ben." Mal added teasing.

"I'm not jealous." Ben replied.

"Mhm." Mal nodded as her and Evie shared a look.

(At lunch)

"Just look at them. He looks like he doesn't even care about her." Ben was saying.

"Ben will you stop staring at them." Mal said.

"Anyways." Evie said changing the subject. "What's our plan for the dance?"

"What do you mean?" Ben questioned.

"Ben!" Evie shouted. "The dance. Our first school dance."

"Come on Ben. It's all she ever talks about." Mal reminded him.

"Right, right. It's not like I tune her out whenever she talks about that." Ben joked.

"Hey!" Evie said and lightly slapped his arm.

"I'm kidding." Ben laughed. "So are we gonna plan what we're gonna do?"

Just then Jay and Carlos walked up to them.

"Hey there Mal." Jay smiled at her.

"Hello Jay." Mal responded.

Ben stared right at Jay. He didn't take his eyes off him.

"I... I was just wondering..." Jay was trying to say and noticed Ben staring at him. "If you... Wanted to go to the dance with me...?"

Ben took his slowly off Jay, then looked at Mal to get her reaction.

"I uh..." Mal was looking around.

"She already is going with someone." Ben answered for her.

"She does?" Jay asked looking over at Ben.

"I do?" Mal asked looking at Ben too.

"Y-yeah. Remember? I asked you to go with me." Ben lied.

"R-right." Mal nodded pretending to agree and remember.

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