Playing It Cool

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(Monday morning)

"Hey Mal there you are. I've been trying to call you all weekend. And when I went to your house so we could walk to school your mom said you already left." Ben was telling her.

"Yeah sorry I was busy." Mal lied.

"But why couldn't we walk to school together?" Ben questioned.

"I just wanted to walk alone. Sorry, I know I should've told you." Mal replied.

"No, no it's okay." Ben assured her.

"Well I need to go." Mal told him, then walked away.

"Oh okay bye." Ben said.

"Hey Mal. So I just wanted to check. Are you really going to do this?" Evie asked.

"Yes. Every time we're together my feelings get stronger. And I know nothing's going to happen between us. Plus he has a big crush on Audrey." Mal was saying.

"Yeah, but you really want to end your friendship over a crush?" Evie checked.

"What other choice do I have?" Mal replied asking.

"I don't know, but I don't think you should end your friendship with Ben because of it." Evie responded.

(In 3rd period)

"Hey Mal." Ben greeted her and sat beside her.

"Hey." Mal replied and looked down at the desk.

"Is everything okay?" Ben questioned.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Mal responded.

"You seem like you're avoiding me." Ben stated.

"Why do you think that?" Mal looked at him confused.

"Well you didn't answer me all weekend." Ben was saying.

"I told you I was busy." Mal said.

"Okay then there's this morning. When you didn't wait for me." Ben added.

"I said I wanted to walk by myself." Mal said.

"Then why didn't you text me and tell me that. I was worried." Ben replied.

"Look, I'm sorry I worried you. Next time I'll let you know. I promise." Mal assured him.

"Good." Ben smiled.

(At lunch)

"Hey Evie. I think I have a plan." Mal said sitting across from Evie.

"For what?" Evie questioned looking up at Mal.

"For me and Ben." Mal stated.

"You mean for ending your friendship?" Evie checked.

"Yes." Mal nodded.

"Mal, I told you. I don't think you should do that. It's not worth it." Evie was telling her.

"I know what you said, but..." Mal was going to say.

"Hey ladies." Jay greeted them.

"Can we help you?" Evie looked up at him.

"I just had a question for Mal." Jay spoke.

"What do you want?" Mal glanced up at him.

"I just wanted to know if you'd go out with me this Friday?" Jay asked.

Before answering Mal looked over and saw Ben making his way over to them.

"Uh... Yeah, yeah sure I'll go out with you." Mal agreed.

"Really?" Evie asked giving Mal a confused look.

"Really?!" Jay asked sounding excited.

"Yeah, why not? It could be fun." Mal replied.

"O-okay. We'll talk later about what we can do." Jay was saying, then walked away.

"What was that about? I thought you didn't like Jay?" Evie wondered.

"I don't know." Mal shrugged. "But maybe if I go out with Jay, I'll get over Ben. And possibly get a boyfriend."

"Okay. You do what you want." Evie said.

"Hey guys. What are we talking about?" Ben asked sitting next to Mal.

"Well Mal now has a date on Friday." Evie told him.

"Oh yeah? With who?" Ben smirked at Mal.

"It's with Jay." Mal stated.

"Jay? But I thought you didn't like him?" Ben was asking.

"I don't know. Maybe I do." Mal said.

"Okay. Anyways Mal, you want to hang out after school?" Ben questioned.

"Can't. I have to something after school." Mal shut him down.

"Oh well do you need any help?" Ben offered.

"Nope I'm good." Mal shook her head.

"Okay..." Ben said awkwardly, then started eating.

Evie looked at Mal confused, then looked at Ben, who looked upset.

(After lunch)

"Mal what was that for back there?" Evie ran up to Mal and asked.

"What do you mean?" Mal questioned.

"You were kind of rude to Ben." Evie told her.

"Yeah I know." Mal replied.

"But why?" Evie wondered.

"It's part of my plan. I act like I'm being rude to him, then he'll not want to be my friend anymore." Mal explained.

"Why are you so cool with ending your friendship with your best friend?" Evie questioned.

"I'm not, but I have to be strong if I'm going to do this." Mal answered.

"But you don't have to do this. You said it yourself. If you go out with Jay maybe your crush on Ben will go away." Evie told her.

"Look, I know what I'm doing." Mal said, then walked away from Evie.

(After school)

"Evie!" Ben called to her.

Evie stopped and turned to him. "Hey Ben."

"Is Mal mad at me?" Ben wondered.

"Why are you asking?" Evie responded with a question.

"Because she didn't answer me at all over the weekend, she didn't wait for me this morning, then at lunch she kept shutting me down. Did I do something wrong?" Ben explained, then asked.

"I doubt it. You're her best friend. She's probably just going through something. I'm sure everything will be okay." Evie was trying to assure him.

"Okay. Thanks Evie. I gotta run." Ben said, then ran off.

Mal was walking home alone, then Ben ran up to her. 

"Hey." Ben smiled walking beside her.

Mal took out one of her headphones and looked over at him. "Hi..." 

"You didn't wait for me again." Ben told her.

"Yeah well I have stuff I have to do." Mal responded.

"Look, Mal I don't know what's going on, but I don't like this. You're my best friend, but you're acting like you don't like me anymore. If there's something you need to tell me, then just tell me." Ben was saying.

"Fine. Ben I think we... You know what? Never mind. I'm sorry for acting weird." Mal said.

Ben sighed and smiled. "Phew. I was worried you were gonna say you think we shouldn't be friends anymore or something like that." 

"Oh." Mal chuckled a little nervously. "No, never." 

"Good." Ben grinned and they continued walking home.

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