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(The next day)

"Hey morning." Ben smiled as Mal came out of her house.

"Morning." Mal replied with a slight smile.

"Are you still mad at me?" Ben checked.

"Ben I told you. I'm not mad at you. I was just tired yesterday." Mal told him.

"But you never answered my texts last night." Ben mentioned.

"Because I was tired." Mal repeated.

"Okay just making sure we're good." Ben said.

"Yeah." Mal nodded.

(At school)

Evie was putting stuff in her locker and Mal was leaning against the locker beside her. Then Mal saw Evan walk by. He looked over and gave a small smile to Mal. Mal returned the smile.

"Hey you okay?" Evie asked as she was shutting her locker.

"Yeah. Why?" Mal looked away from Evan and looked at Evie.

"You seem upset about something." Evie mentioned.

Mal looked back at Evan walking by. Evie looked back to see who she was looking at, then back at Mal confused.

"Who is that? Do you like him?" Evie was trying to get answers.

"His name is Evan. He's in my English class. And no I don't like him, but he likes me." Mal explained.

"Then why are you so upset?" Evie asked.

"Because I told him I had a boyfriend." Mal was saying. "And I asked Ben if he would pretend, but he said no and now I feel bad."

"Well then you need to find someone else to pretend for you." Evie told her.

"You think I should? Not just tell him the truth?" Mal was asking.

"Well do you want him to be mad at you for lying? Or would you rather be on good terms and not have to go out with him?" Evie wondered.

"I mean I guess the first one." Mal answered with a shrug.

"Okay." Evie smiled and nodded. "We need to find you a fake boyfriend."

(At lunch)

Mal was sitting at a table moving her food with her fork.

"Okay I've asked almost every guy and no one will do it." Evie said sitting down across from Mal.

"This was a bad idea. I should've just been honest with Evan." Mal sighed and put her head in her hands.

"Actually there might be one guy that would do it." Evie mentioned and smirked.

Mal lifted her head and looked at Evie confused. "Who?"

"You'll see." Evie said and waved her hand for someone to come over.

Mal looked behind her and saw Jay was walking over to them.

"Seriously Evie?" Mal leaned over and said.

"Hey guys. Evie did you need something?" Jay questioned.

"Yes. Jay how would you like to be Mal's boyfriend?" Evie wondered.

"Huh?" Jay said and looked over at Mal. "H-her boyfriend?"

"Well not her actually boyfriend. Just a pretend boyfriend." Evie was explaining.

"And why do you want me to do that?" Jay asked.

Best Friends (Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now