Thanksgiving Gathering

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(Thanksgiving morning)

"Mal can you come down and help me?" Mal's mom called up to her.

Mal came downstairs into the kitchen where her mom was running around to one thing and the other.

"Mom?" Mal spoke, but she didn't respond. "Mom?"

"What?" Her mom quickly turned to Mal.

"Are you okay with Dad coming today?" Mal checked.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Her mom responded with a question.

"Because you haven't seen him in a while and when you do you freak out like you're doing now." Mal reminded her.

"I'm fine Mal." Her mom stated.

(At Ben's)

"We should probably leave before the storm gets worse." Ben's dad mentioned as he was looking out the window.

"Yeah." Ben's mom agreed.

(About an hour later)

"Alright are we ready to go?" Ben asked as he came downstairs.

"Yep." His mom answered as she picked up a pan.

The three headed out to the car, but when they tried pulling out there was too much snow blocking them.

"Well this is just great. We can't leave." Ben's dad said leaning back in his seat.

Ben just looked out his window and sighed.

(At Mal's)

"Oh Dad texted." Mal said holding her phone. "He said: Hey Mal I'm really sorry to do this, but I'm not gonna be able to make it today. There's too much snow." Mal read.

"Oh honey I'm really sorry." Her mom told her.

"It's okay at least we still have Grandma and Grandpa coming." Mal replied.

"Actually about that. They won't be able to get here either." Her mom added.

"Well it's official then this is the worst Thanksgiving ever." Mal stated.

"That's not entirely true." Her mom mentioned.

"What do you mean?" Mal questioned.

"There's some others who aren't able to leave because of the snow." Her mom was saying.

"Who?" Mal asked.

Just then the doorbell rang. Mal looked at her mom confused, then walked over to answer the door. When she opened it Ben and his parents were standing there.

"Um... Hi." Mal greeted them awkwardly.

"Happy Thanksgiving." Ben's mom spoke.

"Y-yeah you too. Um... come on in." Mal said and let them in.

"Thank you, Mal." Ben's dad smiled at her, then they all walked in.

Ben and Mal looked at each other, but didn't say anything.

"Hey guys Happy Thanksgiving!" Mal's mom said as the three walked into the kitchen.

"Hi we brought some food." Ben's mom mentioned and put the pan down on the counter.

(Some time later)

"So are you really not gonna talk to me the whole time?" Ben checked.

"Probably." Mal answered.

"Look Mal I said I was sorry. And I am, but I have the chance to play in the big game." Ben explained.

"And I'm happy for you." Mal replied, then walked away.

Ben stood there and sighed.

(A few minutes later)

Everyone was in the kitchen, then Ben started playing music from a speaker.

"This one's for you, Mal!" Ben yelled and pointed to her, then he started singing.

"You know all about me, you know I care

Just shout whenever and I'll be there

You are my life, you are my light." Ben was singing.

Mal was looking at him confused while her and Ben's parents were smiling.

"And we will never, ever, ever be apart

Are we best friends? Girl quit playin'

We're not friends, what are you sayin'

Said that's not us, look right in my eyes

My..." Ben was gonna continue singing.

"Stop." Mal cut him off. "Just stop."

Ben paused the music and everyone was looking at Mal.

"Mal? You okay?" Her mom was checking.

"I'm sorry. I just... I need to go." Mal told them, then ran upstairs.

"Mal!" Ben called and ran after her. "Mal?" Ben knocked on the door and opened it.

"What do you want?" Mal asked.

"Mal look I'm sorry, but..." Ben started to say.

"You really thought just because of a fight we're not gonna be best friends anymore?" Mal wondered.

"No it's just..." Ben was going to explain.

"Look Ben I really don't want to do this right. So just go downstairs I'll be there in a little bit." Mal told him.

Ben turned around to leave, but then turned back. "No."

"What?" Mal looked back up at him.

"No I'm not going back down there without you. Look I know this is not how either of us thought we'd be spending Thanksgiving like, but we are. So we either stay up here forever or we go down right now together." Ben told her.

Mal took a deep breath, then stood up. "Fine. Let's go."

Ben smiled and let her walk out to make sure she goes. Then they both walked downstairs together.


Everyone grabbed their plates and started getting their food. Then they all sat around the table together.

"Well here's to friends and family." Ben said holding his glass up.

"And a strange Thanksgiving." Mal added and they all laughed.


Ben and Mal's parents were in the kitchen packing everything up and talking while Ben and Mal were sitting in the living room.

"Hey Ben I just want to say thanks." Mal spoke.

"Thanks for what?" Ben wondered.

"Thanks for singing that version of "Baby" to try and make me feel better." Mal responded.

"Oh well you're welcome." Ben smiled.

"But please don't ever do it again." Mal added.

"Oh? You didn't like it?" Ben asked.

"Not even a little." Mal confessed.

Then they both laughed.

"Happy Thanksgiving Mal." Ben said.

"You too." Mal replied and they both smiled.

"Who wants dessert?" Mal's mom called out to them and they both got up.

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