How The Crush Started

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(Four years ago)

"So did you finish the math homework?" Mal asked Ben as they were walking in the hall to their classroom.

"Yeah, but my dad had to help me with it. How about you?" Ben answered.

"I finished it and my mom only had to help me with a couple problems." Mal said.

"Oh. Way to rub it in." Ben joked.


Their class was having art class. Ben stood up to get more color pencils. Then one of the boys in their class walked up to Mal.

"Hey Mal." He said standing beside her.

"Hi..." Mal replied shyly barely looking over at him.

"What are you drawing?" He asked.

"A picture." Mal stated.

"Can I see?" He asked trying to take it from her.

"No I'm not done!" Mal was trying to keep it away from him.

"Hey! What's going?" Ben questioned standing on the other side of Mal.

"N-nothing." The kid shook his head and let go of the drawing.

(At recess)

"Hey I'm gonna go get something for us to play with. I'll be right back." Ben told Mal.

"Okay." Mal nodded.

She stood there and watched Ben run off to get something. She was holding the drawing she made and looking at it while smiling. Then the same kid ran up to her and ripped it out of her hands.

"Hey! Give it back!" Mal was yelling and trying to get it back.

"No. I want to see it." He responded.

He turned it around so he could look at it. Then turned it back to face her and started ripping it.

"No!" Mal cried out.

Ben looked over and dropped the stuff to run over.

"What are you doing?!" Ben ran up to the kid.

"Just checking out her drawing." The kid answered.

"Then why did you rip it?" Ben wondered. "What is your problem? Why won't you leave her alone?"

"Because..." The kid was going to say.

"Because why?!" Ben shouted and pushed the kid.

"Hey don't push me!" He yelled and pushed Ben back.

"Then leave my best friend alone!" Ben pushed him again.

When Ben said that Mal started to smile.

"Hey! What is going on over here?!" A teacher asked running over to them.

"He started it!" The kid pointed at Ben.

"No I didn't! He was bullying Mal!" Ben yelled back.

"Alright I think you three should be apart for the rest of the day." The teacher told them.

(After school)

Ben and Mal were waiting for their parents to pick them up.

"Why did you do that?" Mal questioned.

"Do what?" Ben looked over at her.

"Stick up for me." Mal stated.

"Why wouldn't I? You're my best friend. Of course I'm gonna stick up for you." Ben explained.

(A year later)

"You really like him, don't you?" Evie wondered.

"What are you talking about?" Mal glanced over at her.

"You're throwing Ben a birthday party. Not even his parents are throwing the party." Evie told her.

"That's because I told his parents I wanted to." Mal replied.

"So you're sure this has nothing to do with liking him?" Evie checked.

"Okay maybe it does a little, but mostly just because he's my best friend." Mal said.

"Look I know we just kind of became friends this year, but you don't want to try to make a move?" Evie asked.

"Evie, we're in fourth grade. There are no moves." Mal told her.

"Well not like kiss him. I mean like tell him you like him." Evie suggested.

"I think I'll just stick to my own plan." Mal said.

(Sixth grade)

"Only a couple more months until summer vacation." Ben was telling Mal as they were walking into school.

"A couple." Mal jokingly rolled her eyes.

"You'll be fine." Ben smiled and slightly nudged Mal in the arm.

"Hey guys. You meet the new girl yet?" Evie walked up to them and asked.

"No. We didn't even know there was a new girl." Mal said and shared a glance with Ben.

"Well there is." Evie responded.

(At lunch)

Ben was sitting at a lunch table by himself waiting for Mal and Evie. Then someone stood beside him.

Ben looked up at them. "Hi... Can I help you?"

"I'm new. And I saw you sitting by yourself. So I was wondering if I could sit with you?" She asked.

"Well I'm waiting for my friends, but yeah you can sit." Ben replied.

"Cool thanks." She smiled and sat down across from Ben. "I'm Audrey by the way."

"Ben." Ben smiled back. "So where did you move from?"

"Hey Ben!" Chad ran up to him.

"Hey Chad. What's up?" Ben responded.

"Hey you're the new girl, right?" Chad checked.

"Yeah..." Audrey looked at him awkwardly.

"Did you need something Chad?" Ben wondered.

"Yeah. What did you say your name was?" Chad asked looking back at Audrey.

"Well Audrey how would you like to come sit with me and my friends. I'm sure Ben wouldn't mind." Chad was telling her.

"Uh... Do you mind?" Audrey looked back over at Ben to check with him.

"No, no. Go right ahead. It's better to have more friends." Ben answered.

"Thanks you're the best. Maybe someday we can hang out and get to know each other better." Audrey said to Ben before walking away with Chad.

Then a couple minutes later Evie and Mal walked over. Mal sat next to Ben and Evie sat across from them.

"Why do you seem so happy?" Evie questioned.

"I just met the new girl." Ben stated.

"Oh yeah? And how'd that go?" Mal asked.

"She was nice." Ben said.

"Then where did she go?" Evie wondered.

"She went to sit with Chad and his friends." Ben explained.

"Then why are you happy if she left to sit with Chad?" Mal asked.

"She said I was the best and that maybe someday we could hang out." Ben answered now grinning.

Mal looked over and Evie and Evie looked at Mal giving her a look.

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