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"Wouldn't go in there if I were you" was the first words Blakely heard waking up on John B's sofa next to Kie. "he's got one of his girl toys of the week in there" John B said. Smirking Blakely slowly got up stretching then slapped Kie on the back she heard a grunt making her laugh. She headed towards the room where her best friend was trying to get laid. On her way, she saw Pope on the outside sofa and shouted a good morning to him and getting a morning in return.

"Housekeeping" Blakley spoke knocking on the door. She waited a minute for it to open. When it did JJ's head pocked out looking angry but when he saw her, he looked happier. She smiled sweetly at him and he scoffed slamming the door. She waited at the side knowing he would send the girl out now as Blakely always came first for JJ.

As the blonde girl walked out, she gave Blakely a disgusted look muttering "slut". Blakely smiled at her to piss her off more and when the girls back was turned and out the front door Blakely stuck the middle finger at her and shouted, "Thank you".

"Don't be jealous baby, you know you're it for me" JJ half-joked wrapping his arms around her from the back and kissed her head. "Oh, shut up" Blakely replied pushing JJ's arms off her and walking into the bedroom, jumping on the bed. JJ followed her, jumping onto the bed and lifted the girl so she was sitting on top of him.

"Nice shirt you got there," JJ said smiling at Blakley and playing with the hem of the shirt. "Well thank you baby I got it from you," she said laughing looking down at the oversized shirt she stole from JJ she then kissed his jaw. He smiled at her and pulled her closer as the other three friends walked into the room. "I didn't do anything with the girl" JJ spoke into Blakely's ear "I know" she replied now relieved.

"So, what's the plan for today then?" Kie asked jumping onto the end of the bed and crossing her legs.

"I got work so count me out of anything." Blakely replied. "drop the beer Booker it's too early for that shit." She added seeing John B drinking beer.

"I got to help my dad today and JJ said he would also help," Pope said.

"You did since when," Blakely asked looking up at JJ. "No idea" he whispered back making Blakley laugh. JJ smile at this as he loved the sound of her laugh. He loved all of her.

"Okay, so Kie you doing much?" John B asked. "Actually, I'll go help Blakely at the wreck today to make sure she doesn't get into any more trouble," Kie replied smirking at Blakely causing Blakely to stick her tongue out like a child.

"Wow okay, so it's just me then." John B said looking sad.

"How about later tonight we all head to the beach and have a bonfire," Blakely said trying to cheer John B up.

Everyone agreed and that is where the story really begins.

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