'I love-'

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"There he is!" JJ spoke up first when the friends saw John B come up to the surface. "Oh, God! Jesus Christ" Pope spoke after. "Woo!" Blakley screamed.

"Don't scare us like that!" Pope spoke whilst John B swam towards the boat. "How'd it go down there?" JJ questioned his friend "Did you find anything?" JJ questioned walking over to help John B back up. "Did I find anything?" John B spoke happily. "Yeah, there we go! That's my boy!" JJ said pulling John B onto the boat. "You Okay?" Kie questioned "Yeah, I ran out of air" John B spoke as you could hear the breathlessness in his voice. "You scared the shit out of me, and Blake" Kie spoke. "Yeah, the cops were up here, but, uh... took care of 'em" Pope spoke filling John B in on what happened.

Pushing past her friends Blakely ran and hugged John B tightly and he hugged her back. "Bean, I'm all good" he spoke rubbing her back and kissed her head causing JJ to turn away in jealousy.

"Hey, guys? Guys, bogey, two o'clock." Kie spoke looking over the opposite side of the boat at the other boat coming towards them. "What?" JJ questioned confused. "Do you recognise that boat?" Pope questioned the group. "I've never seen it" Kie replied and Blakely says "Nope, never" whilst letting go of John B.

"What are they doing here? The marsh is closed." Kie questioned. "I don't know, let's not stick around and find out" JJ spoke. "I'm with JJ on this can we go, please" Blakley spoke after him.

"JJ, get the bowline" John B said and JJ agreed and went to get it. "Should we wait on 'em?" Pope questioned. "No, we're not, go get the stern. Go!" John B spoke after Popes stupid question. "Are you Joking? JJ hurry up" Kie replied when John B Started the boat.

"guys, don't wait for me. Go." JJ spoke quickly pulling the bowline up. "Lets go" Kie shouted. "Pull out the stern" Pope spoke. Whist they four were talking Blakely just stared at the bogey.

"I don't like the look of this" John B said looking over at the other boat coming in fast. "Are they coming for us?" JJ questioned making Blakely's head turn so fast to look at him scared that these people were coming for them. "Maybe they're fishing" Pope tried to reason when JJ shouted "Go,go,go,go!" this caused Blakely to freak causing her to walk over to JJ's side. "Go into the marsh" Pope spoke "Let's go" Kie added making John B say "I'm going. Act natural."

"Hey, guys, they're following us" Kie spoke. This freaked Blakely out more she began to shake a little. "This can't be good." Pope spoke "dude, you gotta go faster!" JJ said loudly. "I'm going!" John B said irritated. "Gun it!" JJ added.

John B kept the boat going faster as the other boat was close behind them.

Blakely continued to stare at the other boat when she saw one of the guys lift something. "JJ, a gun" She spoke quietly next to the boy causing his head to turn.

A bullet was shot and JJ's first instinct was to push Blakely down and lay on top of her, to protect her. "Holy shit" Kie shouted. "John B get down" JJ called looking over at the boy driving the boat.

Blakely slowly lifted her hand up to JJ's face. She was scared. Terrified even that she was going to die. "JJ" She cried out causing him to look back down at her. "Baby, we are gonna be okay" he replied trying to calm her down.

Another shot was fired when pope called out "We're gonna die.

Then another shot called out and JJ realised maybe this would be the end. "Blake, baby, I love-" JJ started to talk when Blakley called out "Kie get down."

Grabbing the nets Kie knew it was the only way to stop the guys. She walked to the end of the boat and threw the nets into the water. Gun shots still going off around her.

One last shot and the Bogey boat was stuck in the nets slowing the boat down.

The friends begin smiling that they were okay and safe.

JJ was still lying on top of Blakely and grabbed her face and kissed her. He was over the moon she was safe. She began to laugh and kissed the boy back.

All friends began to whoop whilst John B continued to drive back to the Chateau


It was getting dark by the time the group got back to John B's.

"What do you guys think it is?" Kie questioned once John B dropped the bag down at the dock. "Gotta be money, right?" John B said. "That or a couple of keys with street value to the low-to mid-mils" JJ spoke grabbing Blakely by the waist in such a happy mood.

"Can we please just open the bag?" Pope spoke irritated by the time it's taking John B to open it. "Wow, Pope, that's a rare outburst of emotion." John B said making the girls giggle and JJ smirk. "Okay, you guys are literally killing me with anticipation." Pope spoke back. "Open the bag." He added.

John B unzipped the bag and took a smaller bag out from inside and then lifted a flask out of that bag and opening it. "So many bags inside a bag" Blakely muttered earning a kiss on the head from JJ.

John B tipped the flask upside down causing an object to fall from inside. All four friends around John B looked over at this object some confused whilst others pissed off.

"Oh wow, yup, that's about right." Pope was the first to speak "Good job, everybody. We found a compass." He began shouting. JJ let go of Blakely, pissed that she could of died for a stupid compass. "Dude, what? It's not worth anything." JJ spoke confused why John B was so intrigued by this compass.

John B continued to look at it. Studying it almost.

Blakely looked closer knowing she has saw it somewhere before. "No way" she mumbled now remembering. She bent down beside John B and muttered "Bird" in shock.

"This was my father's" John B spoke as in shock as Blakely.

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