'Ye olde Dr. Cottonmouth'

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"Okay refresh for a second, John B broke the guys wrist?" Blakely questioned Kie interrupting her story once again. "Yes Blake, slammed his hand right into the glass." Kie said. "And he kissed you out the blue" Blakely spoke sounding still as shocked as the first time. Shocked is kind of a understatement of what Blakely felt right after hearing about the Pogues adventure without her. The one time she takes an extra shift all that happens.

Blakely had been following Kie around like a lost puppy whilst the girl cleaned up the dinner. "Common you must have felt something" Blakely begins again asking about the kiss. "No pogue on pogue macking remember" was Kie's reply every time Blakely asked.

"But..." Blakely soon stopped talking as she heard the door to the dinner opening and stepping in was one of her favourite pogues.

"Pope!" Blakely shouts excited and jumped off the table she was sat on causing the boy to laugh. "Hiya Blake" Pope calls waving.

"So have a fun adventure without me today?" Blakely questions the boy wondering if he had any intel on the day. "You could say that, anyway you girls ready to go, the boys are parked outside" Pope speaking causing a smile to grow on Blakely's face as she was excited to annoy John B about the kiss. "Oh, I'm ready" Blakley smirked.

"I'm not going" Kie replied and went back to cleaning. "What why?" Pope questioned but Blakely already knew why so walked out the door.

Just like Pope said, parked right outside the diner is the van with John B and JJ inside. "Hello boys!" Blakely screams over with a wave. Smiling JJ jumped out the front of the van to meet his girl. "well hello princess, you here to serve me?" JJ flirts looking down at Blakely's apron still rapped around her waist. "Oh, shut it," She says and begins to take it off.

"She's not coming" Pope shouts over the railing of the diner causing Blakely to turn back towards the diner. "Why not?" JJ questioned whist walking behind Blakely and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"What'd you do to her, John B?" JJ asks causing a giggle from Blakely as she must be the only one to know about the kiss. "princess what do you know?" JJ whispers into her ear at the same time John B shouts "shit"

"Hang on, I'll deal with it" John B says getting out the van. As he walks towards the diner Blakely shouts "Try not go for round two" causing Pope to look confused and JJ to turn the girl around so she can explain. Before she was fully around she could see John B stick his middle finger up to her causing her to laugh.

"What?" Blakely questioned innocently. "Baby tell me now" JJ stated. "Booker kissed Kie" was all she said causing a sad look on Pope but a look of joy in JJ. "Fuck my man has balls!" he shouts laughing.

Soon after some small talk between Pope and the love bird's John B finally emerged from the diner with Kie following. "Let's go my friends!" Blakely screamed excited she is now a part of their weird adventure of the day.

- - -
"You mind if I just relax on this one? Its been a long day, and a lot of weird stuffs gone down" JJ spoke puffing away at his joint. "I'm just gonna lay low. Oh, did you want a hit of this?" he questioned Pope holding the joint in front of him. "I keep the signal clear" Pope states pushing JJ's hand back.

"Dude, okay. Do you understand that your problem is that you don't get creative, if you got creative then..." JJ went on to be interrupted by Blakley "I'll take that, thank you" she says snatching the joint from JJ and started to smoke it causing a smirk to grow on the boys face at the sight of the girl.

"look, i- I know I was wrong about the lighthouse, all right?" John B begins "And wrong about everything else going on. But i- I was right about one thing okay? My dad is trying to tell me something" he speaks causing the group to look around each other not knowing what to say in case they hurt John B.

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