Chapter 1: New York New York

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I moved to New York city when I was 17 years old, a few weeks before hand, of course I had been upset to leave my friends in England but I had always dreamt of being on Broadway so there were mixed emotions.

My love for musical theatre started when I was very young but I made the decision that it would be my career when I saw Spongebob The Musical in Chicago, I had been blown away! I immediately fell in love with the show and the cast and had followed it on it's journey to Broadway.

When I found out it was ending I just had to buy tickets! Luckily I had managed to get a front row ticket for closing night.

When the day finally came I didn't know whether to smile or cry, there were many tears throughout the day but I eventually made it to the theatre. I was wearing my hair up in a high ponytail and I had a white v-neck t-shirt on paired with a plaid brown pencil skirt and a red belt. I also made sure to wear my spongebob socks, yellow scrunchie and brown boots for the final touches!

I walked into the theatre and found my seat, the stranger that would be sat next to me wasn't there yet and none of my family wanted to come so I just sat on my phone

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I walked into the theatre and found my seat, the stranger that would be sat next to me wasn't there yet and none of my family wanted to come so I just sat on my phone.

It wasn't long until someone had sat next to me, I looked up to see a girl my own age that also happened to be in a themed outfit, only hers was themed to Patrick. "I love your outfit!" We both said at the same time before laughing.

"I'm Sydney" she said holding out one hand, "Charlotte" I replied with a smile as I shook it. We soon got to talking and quickly bonded over our similarities. Sydney had also been following the show and cast for a while and also wanted to do musical theatre. We exchanged numbers and took a couple photos of each other in front of the stage before squealing as the lights dimmed.

It had been an incredible time, we had been cheering, shouting, laughing and tearing up with the rest of the audience. Before we knew it the start of Best Day Ever came, Sydney and I had looked at each other and I noticed tears in her eyes. I turned back to look at Ethan and it felt as if my heart shattered when he began to cry. We both begin sobbing but manage I shout out "You've got this Ethan!".

He looked towards me and our eyes locked for a second before me smiled at me and continued with the song. I turned towards Sydney and she looked completely gobsmacked.

"Dam, congrats!" She whispered to me after a few seconds and I replied with a small squeal. I managed to keep the rest of my tears in until the curtain call where I finally let it all out while cheering at the top of my lungs as people bowed.

The Spongebob theme began and I started screaming the words along with the rest of the audience. I struggled to keep my eyes off of Ethan until Wesley walked almost directly in front of us, "Go on Wesley!" We shouted as he began his final twerk. He laughed and gave us both high fives before walking to the other side of the stage.

Syd and I decided to stick together after the show, we quickly went to the bathrooms before running to the stage door. We were at the back of the line, which I was quite happy about as we could have a slightly longer conversation with the actors then!

We get our playbill signed by everyone and get pictures with the supporting and lead characters. I even got a hug from Wesley and Stephanie! Soon enough Ethan got to us "Hey guys!" He said with a friendly smile as he signed our playbills "thanks for the support out there!" He laughed looking at me.

I had no words at all, Ethan had been my idol, crush and biggest role model for so long that I never thought this would actually happen. "T,t,thanks, you too" I stuttered before realising what I had said "oh my god forget I just said that, you were great Ethan" I finally got out.

He chuckled and pulled me in for a hug which I gladly accepted, I heard the click of a photo and smiled even wider knowing that the moment had been captured. We pulled away and I get a photo of him and Sydney. "I really hope it gets revived," I said to Ethan sadly "I'm sure it will be!" He told me with a positive smile.

"Well then, when it is I know I will be one of the first to sign up for auditions!" I replied with a smile.

We talked for a bit more and Ethan even filmed himself doing the spongebob laugh and posted it to my snapchat story.

Eventually he had to go but Sydney and I were both pretty hungry. We decided to go to maccies as there was one fairly close by. "Chicken and garlic mayo wrap, large fries and a large cappuccino" I said to myself as I pressed on the screen "What do you want?" I said turning slightly to face Sydney and she laughed "I was actually gonna get just that".

I doubled everything and took my card out to pay, she held out a five dollar bill which I said no to but Sydney wouldn't let me refuse it.

She went to find is a table while I waited in the, fairly short, que. It didn't take me long to find her and almost the second I placed the tray down she began to eat.

We talked and quickly finished our meals, I put the recycling in the bin and grabbed my partly drank coffee before walking out the door. "My apartment is this way" Sydney said pointing to our left and I frowned slightly. "Oh I'm this way" I replied pointing in the opposite direction.

"It was really nice meeting you, we need to get together at some point, I feel like I've known you for years already!" Sydney told me as she leaned in for a quick hug. I gave her a small squeeze and reply "me too, text me whenever you're free I would love to meet up".

I went home and fell asleep that night thinking of the great memories I had made. From seeing a Broadway show and meeting my idols to making a new, and hopefully lifelong, friend.

(A/N: Thanks for reading let me know what you guys thought of the first chapter. The other chapters are going to be much longer, I just wanted to give a sort of introduction. ~

Charlotte 💛💛

Word count: 1105

The best year ever - An Ethan Slater fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now