Chapter 12: coincidence?

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We are half way through the Bikini Botton day reprise when I notice a very familiar face in the audience. Carter! My smile instantly widens as I lock eyes with him, I can tell that he knows it's me.

But the I notice who he is with. Next to him is a pretty, dark haired lady and on her lap sat an adorable toddler.

This isn't what I think it is right? My smile begins to falter and I continue staring and I only snap put of my trance when I hear the crash if Wes's cymbals getting close.

Danny comes up next to me and nudges me discreetly while mumbling "you ok, you look a little spooked?". We carry on with the songs and I reply between lines. "Guy in the stalls"

"Five rows back"

"Ten seats in"

I'm pretty put of breath but I manage. "I met him at Hamilton" I finish my sentence after singing another line.

Danny can't help but gasp slightly "the one that walked you back to mine?", I look at him confused "I never told you thay" I raise an eyebrow and he chuckles "I was watching you, so do you like him?". I go red as he asks the question.

"Well he is cute, sweet, definitely my type and we have quiet a bit in common as far as I know but I'll need to spend more time with him first before I can properly answer" I whisper thinking and wording my answer properly.

It doesn't take long to get changed as I usually leave my hair typed up and my makeup on but then I have to wait for the boys, who take a little longer than me.

The screams of fans hit us immediately but there is one specific person I am looking for. I scan the small crowd signing things as I go until I finally spit Carter at the end.

I head over to him with a smile "Carter it's nice to see you". I then take a small glance at the women, and toddler, who looks confused and to how I know Carter. "You never told me you were actually on Broadway, let alone in such a big role!" He laughs with a bright smile as I quickly sign their playbills.

"Yeah sorry about that, I've found that people often treat you different when they know you are in Broadway and besides I am just an understudy for Sandy, I usually play Pearl". I kind of feel bad for not telling him the whole truth when we first met.

"Well you were wonderful, ooh I almost forgot, Charlotte this is my sister Natti and my nephew Ben". He refers to the previously mysterious women and toddler.

Of course, he looks far too young to have a toddler.

I hold my hand out for her to shake but she very quickly gets distracted by the small boy letting out a tired yawn. "Well we'd better be getting home, it was great to see you Carter and lovely to meet you Charlotte" Natti gives her brother a whick goodbye hug before they walk off.

"So how many signatures have you got?" I ask with a smile and he hands me his pen covered playbill. "Maybe once you have Ethan and Danny's signature do you wanna come back to mine for a cup of tea?" I can hardly meet his gaze while I wait for his answer. "Oh I couldn't, you have to get your rest" he says and I just laugh and put a hand on his arm as I say "no no, I insist". He nods in acceptance.

"Well well, who is this then?" Danny says as he slings an arm over my shoulder, I can practically hear the smirk in his voice. "Danny this is Carter, Carter, Danny" I introduce the two as Danny signs the playbill and it isn't long before Ethan comes over too.

We don't talk as a group for long ad it is getting fairly late. "I'll see you two tomorrow, love ya bye!" I call as Carter and I walk off.

I lead the way ad he doesn't know the way to my apartment. "No way you live here!" Carter laughs in shock when we enter the building. I look at him curiously and he elaborates "I live on the third floor!".

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