Chapter 13: Grease is the word

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I am just coming out of the bottom when a soft knock comes from the door. I feel my heart skip a beat as I realise that I am actually about to go on a date with Connor.

I walk to the door slowly only stopping when I hear my phone ping. I pull it out to see a text.


I can't help but smile as I press my thumb onto my phone.

Danny is good
For the plan,
Enjoy your date

If you need help
Or want me to
Come and get you,
Don't hesitate to

Awwwh, how sweet of him

Brilliant, still
Have to ask Syd.

Also, thanks
And don't worry
I will be fine,
If I need you
I will call.

How sweet was it of Ethan to do that, he is so nice and kind. Wait a minute, what's going on in my brain, I need to stop thinking about Ethan.  I am going on a date with Carter, I need to get a grip.

I slip my phone back into my pocket and shake it off before continuing my painfully long walk down the, what it seems like, ever growing hallway to the door.

I have to stop a few times to calm my nerves but it isn't long before I find myself face to face with Carter.

I haven't been on many dates before, to be honest, I haven't had many boyfriends either. No one was really interested in me. Any relationships that I have bad haven't lasted long either so I just tend to tell people I've always been single if they ask.

So in all truth I've never really been fully in love with someone, I'd certainly like to be though!

We smile at eachother and I take a small look at his appearance. He is wearing jeans with trainers, a black t-shirt and a black fake leather jacket and his hear is jelled up into a sort of quiff.

We are about to leave but Syd brings me my bag and phone to me just in time.

"so, what are we doing?" I laugh the excitement overpowering the nerves. Carter just looks down at me and chuckles. "that, is a secret" he tells me as he opens the car door for me.

Before we start driving he shuffles a playlist of songs, more specifically, musical theatre songs.

"but, oh, those summer, night!" we sing along at the top of our lungs. It's just one of those songs you know!

We get a bit of conversation in between songs and the time flies by till he tells me it will be visible in just under a minute.

I gal and stare out of the window just staring at trees but eventually something comes into view.

"drive in cinema" I read aloud. I can't help but let out a high pitch squeel although I don't know the movie yet.

As we get closer I can see the screen a bit, only tops of lettering. Still none the less exciting though.

It is only as we drive that I can finally see what the movie is and what the movie is that Carter's outfit and hair finally makes sense to me. "oh my god I love Grease!" I gasp once we have pulled over into our spot almost in the centre of the area.

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