Chapter 9: keep your friends close and your enemies closer

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"Thanks E, I'll be there in-" I talk into the phone but then something happening on the street catches my eye.

My jaw drops in shock and I can hardly hear Ethan asking me if I am ok.

"I'll be there in about five minutes. Bye!" I rush to end the call before beginning to fumble around until I find my old camera in the glove compartment.

5% charge left on it, should be fine, it'll have to be. I quickly get a few photos while trying to be as discreet as possible.

I can't lie, the thrill I'd trying to get some sneaky photos really does cheer me up momentarily.

I shove my rubbish into a nearby bin and put Ethan and Lana's address into google maps. It takes it's time getting the directions up but after a few minutes I am able to drive off.

I spend the whole drive on edge thinking about what I saw and how I should tell people and of course when.

It could benefit me but on the other hand it could upset people close to me. I don't know how they will react to this, what do I do?

I chew on my nails slightly, subconsciously following the directions to the flat, I don't even remember the journey. I take a few deep breaths just to calm my nerves before getting out.

I then text Ethan, letting him know that I am here. I get my bag from the back seat while I am waiting for him to come and get me.

I turn around to see him push the door open "hey, thanks for letting me stay, it's kind of a long story so I won't bother you with it" I say forcing a smile as I walk towards him. "I don't mind, you can tell me when we get upstairs" he smiles and takes my bag for me as he learns me to his flat.

"Here we are, I've got the kettle boiling, I'll make you a honey and lemon and we can talk about what happened, are you ok by the way?" He asks worh a frown as he places my bag down and begins to rummage through the cupboards.

It isn't long before he hands me a mug and we sit down opposite eachother. "Of course I'm ok" I laugh nervously and be frowns at me, "Charlotte, I can tell you are upset, now, what happened?".

I sigh and begin the story including the small details about how I always catch him staring at me. The whole thing was upsetting but the part that hurt the most was that Sydney didn't believe me.

Then something takes me by surprise, from behind me I hear a door open and a few seconds later Lana talks "oh, Charlotte, why are you here?" He smiles with her usual sugar sweet smile, I think I'm starting to develop a sweet tooth. I turn to see her putting down some plastic bags and taking her shoes off.

She picks them back up before walking over to the kitchen counter and getting out some food. She has clearly gone out to get some food shopping done.

"Charlotte has to stay here tonight, there was a bit of a misunderstanding between her and Sydney" Ethan explains and she purses her lips and glares her eyes at me. "Yes I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding".

We talk for a while, Lana keeping a close eye on us and eventually I get up to make a call to Danny.

I walk into another room and put the phone to my ear "hey Danny, I need a massive favour" I say once he has picked up.

"Of course, what's up?" He says sounding slightly concerned. "Well, Keaton kissed me and Sydney saw and well believed him over me and kicked me out of the apartment, I'm at Ethan and Lana's right now and they are letting me stay for a while but I was wondering if I can move in with you once you get back" I explain and sit stand chewing at my nails anxiously while I wait for a reply.

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