Chapter 14: singing in the rain

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I take a breath and step out into the crisp night air. I notice a taxi parked not too far away and notice that Ethan is in and pull the door open with a smile.

I walk out from under the shelter and into the small shower which is quickly picking up. I look up to the sky feeling the drops fall onto my skin before I run to the taxi. Just as I get near it Ethan leans across and opens it for me.

I smile as I duck into the warm vehicle and close the door behind me. I look down at my legs as I pull my seatbelt across, I have no idea what to say.

Clearly he doesn't either as we spend the whole journey just looking up every now and again and smiling, but it wasn't awkward, the silence felt comfortable and comforting.

"We have about ten minutes before they get here" I whisper as we are lead to our table.

I thank the waiter as he pulls my chair out for me and sets the menus down, I sit myself down "so what drinks shall we get" I say mainly looking at the fairly reasonablely priced bottles of wine.

"The wine looks like a good price, I only like red but the call is yours" Eyhan says after skimming through the small drinks menu. "Oh same! Red it is then" I sat and we both chuckle to ourselves.

It is so quiet in the restaurant that many faces turn to look at us. "A bottle of red wine," the waiter repeats as he writes it down "it will be with you shortly" he gives us a strange look before waking away.

We both sit still just looking at each others cherry red cheeks before awkwardly peeking at our food menus. It takes me a minute but I eventually come across something I fancy, I don't even look to see if there is anything else I would like, I just put the menu down to see that Ethan has also chosen his.

"What are you getting?" I ask with a smile as I lean slightly over the table. "The chicken and bacon salad, how about you?" He questions back. "Oh, I'm getting the rump steak" I lick my lips just at the mention of it which prompts Ethan to chuckle.

I gasp slightly "behind you!" I whisper as I see Syd getting seated. Luckily for us she is facing the other direction. I check the time on my phone "five minutes early but I'm not surprised, Danny shouldn't be long now". Ethan takes a small look over his shoulder and nods in agreement.

Just as I predicted, two minutes later I see Danny walking towards the table. He hasn't looked at the table yet and Sydney is glued to her phone screen so they haven't realised yet. "Look" I hiss excitedly while I I point behind Ethan, he turns justin time to see them look at eachother.

There is only light chatter around us so it isn't hard to hear them say eachothers name in complete shock. Danny sits down and they both instantly unlock their phones but we beat them to it with a pre-planned message we sorted out.

I sent a text to Syd, reassuring her that Danny likes her and Ethan sends roughly the same thing to Danny.

We watch as they both read the texts and turn red, they are visually confused for a few seconds before they start looking around the restaurant.

"I think they know we're here" Ethan whispers as he turns around. We tilt our heads down towards the table and wait for a few seconds. I peek up for a small second to see if they are still looking around only to meet Sydney's stare.

I look down again embarrassed and it is only then that I notice how my hand is rested over the top of Ethan's. I look up again to see that now Danny has also located us. "Ok you can look up now, they've found us" I say through gritted teeth and he just laughs.

As I'm sitting up I hear my phone pink, a text from Syd no doubt.

I don't know
What to say
Or do and how
Do you know he
Likes me

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