Chapter 3: Cast list

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"Ahhh! Syd look!"

She looks to where I am pointing and her face immediately lights up, her eyes well with tears of joy as she sees that she was cast as Sandy Cheeks.

I pull her into a hug feeling so proud and happy for her "well done Syd, you done it" I laugh and after roughly a minute we pull apart and she is the first to look back at the screen.

"I couldn't have wished for a better understudy!" She beams and I see my name next to the words Sandy Understudy. "Look!" She says pointing a little further down and I look to see my name also next to the name Pearl. "Oh my God, this is amazing" I squeal and it's now my turn to cry.

"We made it, we're going to be on Broadway together C" Sydney chokes out as we both sob into eachothers shoulders.

About ten minutes later I hear my phone buzz again so I look to see a text notification.I don't have the number in my phone so I am wary when I open it.

Congrats with the casting!x

The message read, I'm kinda confused and creeped out until another text comes through.

This is Ethan btw, I got your number from Tina, just realised how creepy that last message must have sounded.

I stare at my screen completely dumbfounded, did THE Ethan Slater really just text me! I quickly add him to my contacts and sent a quick reply.

Thanks E, I'm so excited to
Be a part of it x

I click the power button and lean back on the couch so my head is tilted towards the ceiling, woah.

Another vibration goes through my phone and as quick as the flash I am looking at it.

1 new message from

Danny, Wes and I were going to go out to celebrate the cast list going out and were wondering if you and Sydney wanted to join us?

"Sydney! We're going out!" I shout across the apartment as I reply to tell him we will. "What's going on?" She asks sticking her head out from the bathroom "well Ethan just asked if we wanted to go out with him, Wesley and Danny tonight so I said yes"

I look down to see another message.

Great, meet us outside the theatre at 8

"We have just under two hours to be at the theatre, we are meeting there then heading somewhere, it's a fifteen minute walk from here but we will make it twenty five considering we are human representations of slugs so we have roughtly one hour and a half to get ready!".

"What are we even doing?" Sydney asks as she emerges from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. "Ih right, I forgot to ask" I laugh before picking up my phone again.

Will do!

Also where are we going?


t isn't long before I get a reply, "he says we are going to get a taxi to this club, but sounds really nice".

"Put in some music and I'll help you get ready, you gotta dress to impress if you want to get with Ethan" Sydney teases with a wink and laughs when I go red. "Alexa, play my upbeat musical theatre playlist" I say as Syd pulls me up off of the sofa.

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