Chapter 5: Future husbands girlfriend

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"This is Lana by the way, my girlfriend" Ethan said as he walked over, his arm wrapped around the waist of a pretty blonde girl.

She is about two years older than me, dyed blonde light curls, soft freckles, golden eyes and soft naturally pink lips.

I feel my face drop when I hear him say those words but I quickly put a smile on when I hear my name. "This is Charlotte, she is playing Pearl and is also the understudy for Sandy," he motions to me and I can practically feel her eyes as they scan me.

"This is Sydney, she is playing Sandy, and you already know Danny" he introduces the others and I watch as she silently judges all of us. It feels awkward so I eventually speak up "It's, um, lovely to meet you" I say trying to be nice.

Lana just puts on a flashy smile and pretends not to hear me "oh Ethan do you mind getting me a glass of water, my throat is feeling kind of dry" she pouts. He takes his arm from her waist away from her waist before smirking back at her. "Of course, I'll be back in a minute".

It's like a switch is flipped one minute she us smiling like the sweetest person alive, then as soon as Ethan is gone she is back to judging is again.

"So Lana, we were just having a little conversation if you want to jo-" Sydney says but is taken aback as Lana snaps at her "I literally could not care less about you, don't flatter yourself", looks like it isn't just a bitchy face.

Danny leans over to Sydney and whispers in her ear, it isn't loud enough for Lana to hear but I do, "just ignore her, she's a bitch anyway".

Syd looks a little down but her face brightens up as someone else joins us.

"Hey" Keaton says as he sits down between Syd and I, Syd and Keaton have been on a few dates in the past week and it turns out he is part of the ensemble.

He introduces himself to Danny and I can see Danny's jaw clench as she shakes his hand. I don't blame him, Keaton gives me weird vibes but if Sydney is happy then I guess I am too.

Lana just stands ignoring us until Ethan returns when she smiles brightly and laughs "oh Ethan we were just getting to know eachother, your friends are so" she takes a second to search for the word "interesting".

I want to punch her and rat her out but something about the way she looks at us while she is talking is almost threatening. I can tell the others feel this too as we all just smile and play along. She has Ethan wrapped around her little finger.

It isn't long before we begin rehearsals. We start with vocal warm ups then are split into groups to start learning songs.

The ensemble are split into two, one half go with Wesley and the other half with Gavin. Then Danny, Syd and Ethan go off together and that leaves me with Brian, I grin when I realise that we are going to start our duet, Daddy Knows Best.

I'm not the best belter but I know that I'm getting better every day, you know what they say, practise makes perfect.

We talk through the dialogue before the song then do a rough sing through. Brian remembers the song pretty well from a few years ago so the person set to help us with vocals focused mainly on me.

When we have finished we both go to join Ethan, Sydney and Danny as we are both understudying two lead roles. They are working in Hero Is My Middle Name so we just sing along with them.

The rehearsals are mainly for those who weren't in the original cast so it is quite nerve wracking to have this much attention on us but at the same time so exciting.

We ate half way through the song and I have to stop for a second as it finally fully sinks in. I grin to myself, I'm actually going to be on Broadway in a few months.

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