Chapter 8: Will...

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I watch Ethan, Danny and Gavin do their parts from the wings, the grin on my face never fading as an attempt to give the dising nerves until it is finally me.

I go on and do my entrance before looking out to the sea of lights and blurred faces. I breath and open my mouth to speak my first line.

"Oh Hiya Spongebob!" I laugh almost shocked a myself afterwards, I didn't even have to think about it, it just came out naturally.

I'm so lost in thought about it that I don't even realise it is my solo part. I panic for a second before realising that the lyrics are actually coming out of my mouth.

The rest of act 1 goes just ad well as the start, I hardly ever left the wings, only once to get my phone and water.

I get small clips of Ethan, Danny and Westley on stage and also get some tik toks done with some of the other cast backstage including the swing playing Pearl tonight.

The end of act 1 is the only part of the act where I am fully conscious of what I am saying/singing and doing. It gets near the end of the song, the small Bikini Bottom reprise and the lights dim a little bit so I can finally see all the faces looking up at us.

It is so powerful, there must be hundreds of people in here, it looks almost like a sea of smiling faces.

I smile out at then from behind my arm ad we sing the final note and I grin like a Cheshire cat when it blacks out and the crowd breaks into applause.

The second the curtain falls I am engulfed by Danny and Ethan and showered with compliments. Wr walk laughing into the backstage area.

"Want a cuppa?" I ask them while walking over to the kettle. They just stare blankly at me clearly baffled by my Brittish slang. "A cup of tea, or coffee, I'm going to make myself a honey and lemon". I laugh and they ask me to make them the same.

I pull put three mugs that I had bought us, a spongebob one for Ethan, Patrick for Danny and a Pearl mug for myself. I had also gotten Sydney a Sandy mug.

I hum to myself as I make the three hot drinks "here you are" I say walking over yo them with their drinks. I then go back to put away the honey and lemon juice and grab my own drink to join them.

We also facetime Syd to check in, she looks super drained but also very happy to see us. Keaton must be listening in as he catches my eye. Once again staring. I smile awkwardly and wave him over.

He walks over and leans over me to see the screen and Sydney's face immediately becomes brighter. On their most recent date, which was two days ago, they made it official.

Eventually the rest of the cast cotton on to who is on the phone and gather to say their get well soon messages, all except Lana who clearly could not give two shits.

"Five minutes, this is your five minute call" the speaker calls and we quickly throw the remainder of our drinks down our throats and do some quick vocal exercises.

"Ok we have to go, love you bye!" the rest of the cast says their goodbyes before I hang up.

The second act is just as great and Chop To The Top goes so well!

I have never managed get the big belt riff when rehearsing and always opted out but for some reason, probably the adrenaline, I decide to go for it.

It isn't even a very conscious decision, just kind of came out and by the way Ethan looks at me I think we can safely say it sounded good.

It finally comes to the curtain call and I can feel myself getting emotional, I'm not sad but so so happy that my debut ended up like this.

I walk to the front of the stage for my bow, I hear the cheers and clapping and I can't hold it in any more. I look out at the audience, a massive grin kn my face and tears streaming out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

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