Chapter 2: Open Auditions

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"Ugh" I groan as my alarm goes off but I quickly smile when I hear his voice. "Good morning world and all who inhabit it!" I say along to the song as I haul myself out of bed.

It may have been four years since Spongebob has closed but I still love it to pieces!

I walk over to my mirror singing along as I go. I lift my arm up and give my armpit a sniff "wow" I say after almost gagging at the pungent smell of BO.

"Hey Syd I call dibs on the shower first!" I shout through the apartment getting only a grunt in reply.

Sydney and I had quickly become inseparable after meeting and had moved into an apartment together just under two years ago. She is the best friend I could ever wish for and I owe it all to Spongebob.

"Hey, you snooze you lose" I laugh walking out if my room to retrieve the shower speaker "you better be ready to get in once I've finished in there, Alice said if we are late one more time we're fired".

I quickly get into the shower after putting my musical theatre playlist on shuffle. "Charlotte! You're going to wake the whole building up if you don't quieten down!" Sydney shouts at me from the other side of the door.

"Ok Syd, start getting ready, I'm done" I say turning the shower off and grabbing a towel all while trying not to fall on my face. Again. Not really my finest moment.

I wrap it around myself and walk out of the bathroom back into my room. "Where is the hairdryer?" I yell. "I think it's in your closet!". I open my closet door and sure enough, there it is.

I roughly dry it and pull it up into a high ponytail before getting into my basic work uniform of a long-sleeved white polo and black jeans. Your basic batista get up.

"Your smoothie is on the side" I tell Sydney through the door after taking our two breakfast smoothies from the fridge.

I get a notification on my phone that I look at, The Spongebob musical Instagram account, Ethan Slater, Wesley Taylor, Danny Skinner and Stephanie Hsu have all posted. I'm slightly confused when I first see it but I almost spit out my drink when I see the posts.

"Sydney OMG! You are not going to believe this! Spongebob is reviving and there are open auditions for Sandy and some other supporting and ensemble roles this afternoon! Oh and Ethan, Danny, Wes and Stephanie are all reprising their roles!"

I hear a scream of excitement from the shower and barely five seconds later Sydney was by my side frantically trying to keep her towel from falling as she celebrated.

"We have to audition!" She says once it finally sinks in. "Duh! I will probably audition for Sandy and the ensemble. So they will probably want something country like for Sandy" I say as I rush to grab my sheet music.

"Oh definitely, what is that one song that you do pretty much every karaoke night?" Syd replies following me over.

"Waving through a window?"

"No it's kinda ballad like"

" oh do you mean she used to be mine?"

"No, not that one, it isn't musical theatre"

"Uh, reflection?"

"Wow I never realised how much karaoke you did, but how are any of those country? I think it's by Miley Cyrus".

"The climb?"

"Yes! That's the one, the climb you should sing that" Syd laughs and I flip through the sheets until I find my cut of the song.

"Here it is" I pull out a plastic wallet and slide it inside "ok that's my audition song sorted, we can think about yours at work. Now go get ready, we have fifteen minutes to be there, go, go, go!" I laugh and clap my hands and she runs off.

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