Chapter 6: Hell Week

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Once we are well away so that no one will see or hear us she lets go of my arm and pins me by the shoulder against the wall.

"I'm not dumb, I see the way you look at Ethan" she hisses, she is actually pretty terrifying. I freeze up, I can't handle conflict at all, even if I am the one to start an argument I will always be the one to cry first. I don't know why  it being shouted at really triggers me.

"You better back off before it's too late" she continues and she's about to say something else before we hear footsteps. She takes her hand off of me and backs off a bit.

"Yeah it would be really helpful" she says in a really sweet tone once Ethan is within earshot. "Are you too finished cause Tina wants to talk to everyone" he says with a smile.

"Oh yes Charlotte has just agreed to help me out with my lines" Lana smiles and she begins to walk back. I follow behind and sit myself back from before Tina starts talking.

"As you all know today ud the last day of rehearsals before tech week and final run throughs, but we are also putting tickets on sale at midnight tonight!" There is an excited cheer from the whole cast.

I quickly text my family and some friends that I have kept in touch with from the Musical Theatre School I sent to when we moved. I tell them to set an alarm for about fifteen minutes earlier as it is going to be a rush to get tickets.

I put my phone down to see that most people are doing the same.

"Ok so todayw4 are going to start putting everything together on the stage and of course we are also trying on costumes, wigs and working makeup at" let's go!".

Everyone gets up and grabs their bags as we move to the stage.

We don't have the full orchestra yet to we don't need mics yet, the plan is to do today as the main cast then tomorrow with understudys as the leads.

As I am quite important and not needed yet I am called first to do costumes. We start with my Sandy costume, it is just like the original costume but for the hair they chose a bushy brunette wig and brown/silver makeup. As for my Pearl costume, it looks just like the original but the pink is slightly lighter and the black is also changed. The wig is blonde curls and wr go for a pink eye shadow and lipgloss look for the makeup.

We do Pearl second so I can rehearse in it and slowly the whole cast gets into costume. I get pictures with Brian, the electric skates and Sydney separately before we do full cast pictures.

I can barely keep my eyes off of Ethan, has no one told him how how he looks in his costume!

During our second run through it is going great up until Daddy Knows Best. The scene is ok until Ethan puts on the dress. He is trying to make eye contact with me and when I do he is trying to make me laugh at him. I should have never told him that he looks adorable in the dress.

I barely make it through the song without laughing, but then comes the part where we sit down and Ethan puts his arm around me.

He does then pulls me in so it is more like a one armed sideways hug. I don't mean to but I stiffen up when I feel eyes burning into the back of my skull. Ethan must have noticed my reaction and moved away slightly.

Being friends and getting to know Ethan only got harder. Whenever we started to talk for more than five minutes or even touch at all Lana would either interrupt us and get Ethan to do something for her or would glare at me until I stopped whatever was happening.

As you can probably tell the next two and a half weeks were pretty bad. I could hardly talk to Ethan, Sydney has almost always with Keaton and of course tech week happened.

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