Chapter 10: count on me like 1, 2, 3

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"Charlotte you are worrying me, can you please just show me what you're on about" his voice sounds shaky as he holds his hand out for the camera. "Ok" I sigh as I hand it to him screen down.

I watch as he stares at it before taking a long breath and flipping it over. He looks slightly confused at first so I lean over and show him which of the buttons to press "ok so click that one to zoom in then the arrows to move around the picture, when you want to go to the next picture then just use the arrows" I explain and he nods silently taking it all in.

Looks very very shocked and highly confused about what he is looking at on the screen. In all honesty I didn't believe my eyes at first either, it's just so strange and confusing. I mainly just want to know why.

Now I'm guessing you are probably staring at your phone, or whatever device you are using and wondering what the hell could rattle me this much. Well if I'm being honest you probably won't believe me either, you will most likely stare at your screen all dazed, then in your hope to make sense of it all begin to make theories of why. And I can't forget how you just may drop a small comment about how shocked and confused you are. Then if I'm very lucky you might even feel the urge to drop a vote for the awesome twist! No? Too far? Ok, it was worth a try.

Well I think I have dragged this mystery on for as long as humanly possible so here we go...

Picture 1: The Simple One

A dark street, the camera zoomed in on the people, one facing towards the camera and one away. It is too dark to see who it is, however there is a bit of light showing that the person facing away from the camera is handing the other person money.

Picture 2: The Hook

Let's call the person facing the camera "person 1" and the other "person 2". Person 1 moves forward slightly into the beam of light revealing that it is none other than the cheating, lying, asswhole Keaton!

Picture 3: The Juice

Keaton and person 2, who is still unknown, can be seen kissing.

Picture 4: The Shock

Keaton and person 2 can be seen turning towards the camera to walk away and moving into the light. Who! You may be asking, well you know that person one is Keaton, well person two I'd the one and only ... Lana.

It's ok is you need to compose yourself, take your time, let it sink in that Lana gave a load of money to Keaton before kissing him.

I know I'm certainly shocked and it appears Ethan is too. He puts the camera down and stares shocked forwards. He looks utterly crushed "are you ok?" I ask him reaching out for his hand which he lets me take. "If Lana comes tell her to go away" he says completely monotonously.

I thought this would feel so much better, I feel so bad just looking at him like this. He stands up and walks to his bedroom, I let him go, I know that if it was me I would want some time alone.

I sit up for roughly half an hour, just thinking about my choices. It wasn't long after Ethan left that I began hearing the faint sound of sniffling.

I'm about to go to bed when I finally hear a key in the lock of the front door. I rush up and hold the door so there was only a small crack in it. "Let me in!" Shouts Lana's voice and I just hold it in place. "No, Ethan doesn't want you here" I reply.

I feel her weight go off of the foor so go to fully close it but instead I am pushed backwards into the table. I gasp as it falls behind me smashing two mugs as they fall off. "You're just being a jealous bitch" she growls walking towards me.

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