Discontinued.. four years ago

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I realize I never made a part of the story that this was telling that this would go on as discontinued. I was like thirteen/ fourteen when I made this and to this day, this story continues to rise is views.. and maybe people that are the age of when I wrote this like it (nothing wrong with that, like what you want) but I'm well aware most people know how cringy it was.

If I had the time maybe I'd rewrite it but writing is a huge commitment so I dont know if I ever will. Thank you everyone for the support though, and the lots of amount pointing out when scenes are dumb.. so.. ya know.

Feel free to read it still if you would like, I know sometimes people just want something to help them with imagination and that makes them happy.

I hope everyone is doing okay anyway. Not saying that just because what's going on in the world but also this is a place of many communities and that's such a good thing, so it's worth making sure everyone is okay.

(Discontinued)It's all okay [NightwingxReader]Where stories live. Discover now