Chapter 3: Questions

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"[f/n]?""What is it you brat? Can you let me sleep? It's almost 12:00pm

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"What is it you brat? Can you let me sleep? It's almost 12:00pm."

"Can you help me with this math problem?"
"Ugh. Rintarou, just ask Google. I want to go to sleep."
"I don't understand how Google explains it. Come on [f/n], I'm almost done with this."

"Heh, I knew you wouldn't say no."
"Watch your limits Rinatarou."
[f/n] clambers out of bed and sits down at the small kotatsu that Rinatorou was completing his homework on. [f/n] had already finished all of her homework early being a model student while Rintarou was as usual slacking. [f/n] had insisted that he finish everything before he could go to sleep hence why he was still up doing this garbage they called homework. [f/n] tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear and analyzes the problem before beginning to explain it to him. But when she does, Suna can't help but just stare at the way her lips were moving instead of the words coming out of them.! Why was he looking there? He mentally slaps himself for looking at [f/n] like that. [f/n], his best friend of many years. No, he can't think of [f/n] that way. Absolutely not. Nope, nope, nope.

"...and that's how you get x=-3/4 and y=1/3" [f/n] states, satisfied with her explanation. "Got it, Rin?" she asks looking up at his flushed face.

"Ahh..yess. Yup, I totally understand. Hahaha, thanks [f/n]" Suna stutters. Ugh gross, why am he sounding like a flustered little schoolgirl.

"Hm, ok. I'll just stay here until you finish everything, just in case you need help with anything else." [f/n] says, laying her head down on the table. She closes her eyes.

Suna peers down at her, noticing how long her eyelashes actually were. "Was she always this cute or is just because she's sleeping", he wonders. "Noooo", he thinks to himself. "Concentrate on your work." With some effort, Suna manages to finish his homework. He begins to put his belongings back into his bag quietly but it must have not been quiet enough for [f/n] wakes up.

"Finished Rinatarou?" [f/n] groggily asks, rubbing her eyes.

"Um...yeah. I'm completely drained. Imma crash." Suna then proceeds to jump onto [f/n]'s bed and pulls the covers over himself.

"Ugh, brat." [f/n] complains as she makes her way over to her bed. She shoves him close to the wall before also slipping underneath the covers. "Don't you dare hog all the blanket, you hear me brat?" [f/n] snarks.

Suna can't help the blush rising on his face when [f/n] is lying is close to him. But to [f/n], she doesn't mind for they had millions of sleepovers since they were young and they always slept in the same bed anyways. However, Suna with his growing crush on [f/n] is flustered at how close [f/n] is lying next to him. He doesn't know exactly how this crush developed but he's sure of when of it happened. It was the end of his 2nd year of junior high school. The year where [f/n] was moving onto her 1st year of high school thus leaving him in middle school. It was at [f/n]'s promotion where [f/n] received so many confessions from all the boys who were scared that when [f/n] moved onto high school, they will never have a chance again to profess their love for her. He couldn't help the ugly feeling of something churning in his stomach and the difficulty he was having breathing when he witnessed them confessing to [f/n]. He always known [f/n] was popular with her outgoing personality and pretty smile. Yet when he saw all those boys confessing to [f/n], the hideous jealousy boiling in him caused him to lash out at her. It was one of the worse fights that they had.

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