Chapter 10: Spring Interhigh Part II

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The sound of Hana's deafening alarm is enough to wake everyone in the room up

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The sound of Hana's deafening alarm is enough to wake everyone in the room up. [f/n] groggily sits up and rubs her eyes. Letting out a yawn, she stretches her arms. Hana is already up and running around, waking up each member one by one.

"Up, up, up! Time to get ready everyone. We got a whole day of cheering ahead of us. Come on now," Hana yells, pulling each girl up.

"Hana-senpaiiii, it's too early for this," Kiki complains.

"Hana-chan, how do you have so much energy this early in the morning?" another girl asks.
"Hmmm, I don't know..." Hana replies, scratching her head confusedly. The girls just sigh at their captain's reply and goes to grab their uniform to change into. [f/n] and a couple of the other girls head out to use the bathroom down the hallway. Entering the bathroom, many turn on the sinks to wash their face, brush their teeth, and freshen up. Finishing up quickly, [f/n] heads back to the room to change. She takes out a pair of track pants from her bag and a black t-shirt. She quickly put them on, rolling up the pants a couple times. Akagi had lent her his track pants after Kita stated how wearing her school uniform might be confusing since she wasn't a observer from their school but their temporary manager. Kita added on how the managers of the other teams usually wore their school tracksuit but since [f/n] wasn't their official manager, she didn't have a tracksuit. Akagi who was the smallest on the team standing at 5'8, 3 inches taller than [f/n] herself, was kind enough to lend her his track pants. [f/n] had already borrowed the team's jacket from Suna so for the most part, so the track pants completed her outfit. She slips her arms through the sleeves of the jacket and slides her phone into the pockets. She turns around to find Hana openly staring at her.

Tilting her head innocently, [f/n] asks, "Is there something wrong Marri-chan?"

"Eh, those aren't your clothes are they?" Hana questions, squinting her eyes at the slight oversized track pants and jacket on [f/n].

"Hahaha, yeah you're right. They're not mine. The boys let me borrow this so that I would be easier to be recognized as being part of the team as their temporary manager," [f/n] answers, grinning.

"Ehhhhh?!? But it's so big on you. Not cute! Not cute at all," Hana protests, her lips quirking into a pout.

"Oh, it's fine Marri-chan. It's actually quite comfy. I feel great in these," [f/n] reassures Hana.

"No, it's not ok [f/n]-chan! I can't let those boys' disgusting clothes sully your cuteness. Here at least wear this please. I don't think I can stand you wearing such drab clothing," Hana cries out, throwing a skirt a [f/n]'s face. Acting on her quick reflexes, [f]n] catches the flying item of cloth and holds it out to examine it. Realizing that Hana had just tossed her one of the cheerleading skirt, her cheeks becomes tinted with a soft pink blush.

"Ma-ma-marri-chan!?! This is the cheerleading uniform skirt though. I can't wear it," [f/n] objects.

"It doesn't matter [f/n]-chan. It's just the skirt, you're not wearing the full uniform so it's fine. You'll look so much cuter this way," Hana pleads, looking at [f/n] with her puppy eyes.

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