Y/N, I'm Worried About You

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You smiled and got up and walked back over to the other couch you were sitting on.

Daniel came into the room and sat next to you and put his arm around you.

You leaned against him and lied your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes.


Daniel kissed your forehead and rested his head on top of yours. After a while you realized that you and Daniel were the only two in the room.

Daniel: *Lifts his head up* "Y/N"

Y/N: "Yeah?"

Daniel: "I'm worried about you. Is everything okay?"

Y/N: "Yeah. I'm better now. I talked to your mom about it. We determined that it's probably just left over stress from tour."

Daniel: "That makes sense. But hey, I'm always here for you. If you need someone to rant to, I'm here. I'll always be here for you. Always."

Y/N: *Blushes* "Thanks Daniel. Same here. I'm always here for you. No matter what."

Daniel: *Hugs you* "I love you"

Y/N: "I love you too"

Christian: *Running into the living room* "GUYS WE NEED TO GO TO THE STOREEEE"

Y/N: "Why?"

Christian: "For Zach's birthday. duh. It's tomorrow"

Y/N: "I ordered something to get delivered to his house"

Christian: "Oh...........I'll do that too"

Y/N: *Laughing*

Christian grabbed his laptop and sat down next to you.

Christian: "I don't know what to get him..."

Y/N: "Obviously clothes"

Christian: "Well what did you get him?"

Y/N: "Clothes"

Christian: "Well then"

Y/N: "Just go to Amazon, Gucci, or something like that and buy him clothes."

Christian: "Gucci?!?"

Y/N: "That's what I did"

Christian: "Dayummm woman"

Y/N: "Oh shoosh we all know you could afford that"

Christian: "Good point"

Y/N: "He likes shoes and shirts"

Christian: "You've made that clear"

Y/N: "I just wanted to remind you because you tend to forget things" *laughs*

Christian: "Ouch..."

Daniel: "It's true"

Christian: "OUCH"

Y/N: "You right you right"

Christian: "what?" *laughs*

Y/N: "Yeh"

You got up and walked into the kitchen and grabbed left over bacon from last night and came and sat back down on the  couch where you were.

Christian: *Tries to take a piece from you*


Christian: "But I'm baes brother.."


Christian: *Puts hands up* "Fine then sheesh"

Y/N: *Turns to Daniel and hands him a piece of bacon* "Here bae"

Daniel: *rolls eyes* "ThAnKs BoO"

Y/N: "nO pRoBlEm LoVe"

Christian: "Y'all are weird"

Y/N: "Yes, but weird is a good thing"

Christian: "If you say so"

Keri: "Do you guys want to come with me so we can go get a Christmas tree? The one we've had for a few years is not in good shape" *Laughs*

Y/N: "Sure! We can come! It'll give me a head start on Christmas shopping" *laughs*

Keri: "True that" *Laughs*

You got up and ran upstairs and grabbed your stuff and ran back downstairs.

Y/N: "You guys ready?"

Keri: "Yep!"

You, Daniel, Christian, Tyler, Anna, Jeff, and Keri all got into the car and drove to the store.

Once you all got there, you, Keri, and Daniel went into where the trees were while Jeff parked the car.

Christian: "Tyler, Anna, and I are gonna go look at the clothes if that's okay."

Keri: "Yeah that's fine"

Anna: "Y/N, wanna come with us?"

Y/N: *Turns to Keri*

Keri: "You can"

Y/N: "You sure you don't need me to help? Cause if you need me I'll stay."

Keri: "Oh no, sweetie, It's all good. Jeff will help me with the tree. Go have fun!" *Smiles*

Y/N: "awe thanks, Keri" *Smiles*

You ran over to Anna and started walking with her and the others.

Anna: "Tyler, go help mom and send Daniel over here."

Tyler: "Well sheesh okay then"

Christian: "I'll go with them so you girls can spend some time together."

Anna: "Awe thanks"

Christian: "Sure"


Sorry this one was short! I'm writing on a different laptop and I don't have all my resources on this one.

I love you all so much!!! <3

Please share and like!!

Love, Emma <3

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