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I promise this chapter isn't weird😂 It's gonna seem like it's gonna get weird but I promise it doesn't😂
Please don't come at me😂😂
Scratch that, it is weird but nothing happens😂

n e waysss enjoy!😂



You laughed harder because of Anna'a words and you had happy tears pouring out of your eyes.

Anna: "She really is broken, she's even crying" *Laughs*


Later that evening, you and Daniel went up to his bedroom. You pulled out all your night time routine necessities and sat them on the dresser. Daniel had already gotten in the shower and you looked at the clock.

11:52 pm.

You looked over at the bathroom door as you had a million thoughts racing through your mind.

Would he mind if I got in the shower with him?
We have a Christmas photo shoot at 6am.
Would it be faster if I just got in the shower with him??

You looked at the dresser and everything you had pulled out. Your P-J's, makeup remover, face wash, face lotion, body lotion, and the scrunchie you use when you go to bed.
You looked back at the bathroom door and wondered if he would mind if you got in the shower with him.

I don't think he would mind...but yet again, I'm not entirely sure.

You walked up to the bathroom door and put your hand on the door knob. You held it there for a second before taking it off. You held your fist up to the door and gently knocked.

Daniel: "Yes?"

Y/N: "'s me"

Daniel: "Is everything okay?"

Y/N: "Yeah. Um..I wanted to ask you if-"

You cringed as the words came out of your mouth.

Daniel: "If what?"

Y/N: "Um...if I the.....shower...with you...."

You felt extremely awkward asking and you hoped he would say he was already done but you also hoped that he would say yes.

He didn't respond for what felt like an eternity. You started cringing and thinking you asked the dumbest question and you felt like he would be weirded out by it and be uncomfortable around you. You were about to say 'nevermind' but before you got a chance to talk, you heard Daniel start answering.

Daniel: "Yeah I mean, I don't see why not." *Laughs*

Daniel: "Besides, we have a photo shoot early in the morning and it would be faster if you went ahead and got a chance to wash up before it gets really late." *Chuckles*

You felt relieved but also a little awkward. The last time you got in a shower with someone was when you were with your ex, Ross. And only a week later was when you found out he cheated on you.
You opened the door and stepped into the bathroom before closing the door behind you. You stood against the door and stared at the shower curtain knowing that Daniel was just right behind it.

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