When The Hunters Become The Hunted

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“Why couldn't we go kick some heinie with those other guys?" Dickory whined. Both Yodeling Trolls were in Poppy's pod, and Flower sat in her high chair waiting for her lunch to be served. “I don't wanna stay here and babysit this little gör!"

“She's not a gör!" Hickory protested, preparing Flower's meal. “Look at her. She's adorable!"

Dickory just watched in disgust as Flower picked out a little of her own earwax and attempted to use it as fingerprint.

“You're just saying that because she likes you more than me," he complained.

“Only because you're full of yourself," he pointed out. “Besides, she likes you, too."

“Then how come she turned down a strudel from me?"

“She was trying to share it," Hickory answered. “Does it to me, too. Watch."

To further explain, the taller Yodeler offered the toddler princess a spoonful of bite-sized fruit pieces, but she pushed it away and said, “Yours!"


“You're just doing it wrong," Dickory said, taking the spoon from him. Little did he know wanting to share food was just something all Pop Troll babies did. “Look, little mädel, if you don't eat, you won't get your dessert!"

“Yours!" Flower insisted, pushing the spoon away.

“Yours!" Dickory huffed, pushing it back.







Both Trolls fought over who would get to eat when suddenly, they both pushed too hard causing the spoon to bounce all over the pod until it landed in Dickory's mouth!

“Yours!" Flower cheered. Hickory just snickered.

“That's it!" Dickory shouted, spitting the fruit out. “You can stay here with the baby, I'm going to kick butt!"

“Nein, Dickory!" Hickory pleaded. “I promised Poppy and Branch we'd look after her. And we both know how you get when you're alone."

“Well, do whatever you want, but I'm not staying here!"

Hickory watched as his little brother ran out of the pod, yodeling as he left Pop Village. He groaned in frustration.

“Branch is gonna kill me."


“Dickory!" Hickory shouted as he wandered through unfamiliar territory. “Where the heck are you?! Dickory!"

“Dicky!" Flower shouted, sitting on Hickory's head. His alpine hat rested on the tips of her purple hair. “Hey-eee-oooo!"

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