The Eclipse

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Poppy, Ash, and the Yodelers carried the body of Willow's Dad to a beach and placed him on a makeshift raft. He had previously told Poppy that if he died before he reached the age of forty, he wanted a viking funeral, so fulfilling that unusual wish was the least they could do.

"Today, we have lost a great Troll," Poppy announced. "Forest Duckweed wasn't the brightest of bulbs, but he was still an important part of our lives. A father, a protector, a warrior... a friend. May his spirit forever live on."

Once the raft was out in the water, Ash fired a flaming arrow at it, setting it ablaze. The other three Trolls followed suit.

"Poppy!" they heard Branch shout. They turned and noticed him getting off a Hippogriff along with Barb and Carol. "Are you guys okay?"

"Not all of us," Poppy said sadly, hugging him. "Willow's Dad was killed."

"That's a shame," Carol replied.

"Where's Willow now?" Barb asked.

"She's in the volcano, so is Pow," Ash replied. "We don't even know what's going on in there."

"Hey, guys?" Dickory interrupted. "What's he doing?"

Everyone turned around and noticed Bash climbing up the walls of the volcano.

"I don't know, but I'm gonna find out," Branch replied, got back on his Hippogriff, and flew to him. "Bash, what are you doing up here?"

"I'm trying to get to Pow," Bash answered. "Hope she'll listen to me."

"There isn't much time," Branch said, noticing the total eclipse. "I'll get you up there."

"Thank you, Branch," Bash replied, climbing up on the Hippogriff's back.

Thousands of years ago...

Callisto sat on her throne with a satisfied grin. With Sol out of the picture, she was free to make her own destiny, and not have one made for her. She looked up to find the Moon shining down on her, unpleased with her actions.

"Oh, don't give me that look," she said. "You should be happy. In a way, I have made you more powerful by obliterating Sol, and spreading Darkness across the Earth."

"Callisto, my child," said the Moon, "in order for the Earth to survive, there must be balance. The Light of the Sun gives life, and the Darkness we carry takes life away. The Sun created Sol without thinking about what it would do to the balance, and I created you to even things out. I let you choose how to live your life alongside Sol, but I never wanted you to destroy him. I thought you loved him."

"I did love him," she insisted. "But I'm not meant to be a mere shadow. I come second to no one."

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