The Proposal(s)

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Old habits die hard. So naturally, Bash was sneaking around Pop Village. Apart from Willow, he wasn't entirely sure whether or not to trust his former foes. He snuck into the Pet 'N' Vet to see if there any suspicious plans around.

“And what are you doing?" someone asked as he pulled out a drawer from Milton's desk. He jumped up in surprise as he found Ash standing at the doorway.

“Oh! Hey, Princess," he greeted nervously. “Just, uh– Okay. I'm a little nervous being here. I can trust Willow, but I'm worried those Trolls are planning revenge of some sort."

I wouldn't blame them, Ash thought before saying, “Bash, dude, you should be lucky they let you stay here. You did crash one of their parties and try to take the Black Rock for yourself. You're just gonna make things worse for yourself by sneaking through people's stu– By all that is Trolly."

“What?" Bash asked. Ash pulled something out of the drawer to show him. “Whoa, that is huge."

“What's huge?" Barb asked suddenly. Bash and Ash hid it behind their backs. “Aw, come on! I wanna see!"

“Not happening," Bash argued.

“Why not?!"

“Because you have a big mouth," Ash answered.

“What?! I keep tons of secrets!" Barb insisted. “Like Flower's secret fear of clowns. Or that time I caught Riff playing with sock puppets. And did you know that Dickory went on a date with Bliss Marina? Talk about an odd couple. I heard that–"

Barb stopped talking when she noticed their looks of indifference.

“Alright, point taken," she surrendered. “But come on. I can keep this one! Please tell me!"

“Okay, but we have to do the sister swear," Ash agreed, and she and Barb braided their hair together. “You too, tall and skinny."

Bash looked up at his fin, and with no other option, he just placed it against their hair.

“Repeat after me," Ash said. “I promise..."

“I promise..." Barb and Bash repeated.

“Not to tell anyone..."

“Not to tell anyone..."

“What I have just seen or heard."

“What I have just seen or heard."

“Or so help me, a Lava Lizard will rip out my vocal chords," Ash finished.

“Amen," Barb replied. “Now, can you show me?!"

After receiving a nod from the Alternative Princess, Bash showed the Hard Rock queen a ring box with a beautiful diamond ring inside. Barb gasped at the sight.


Barb's loud voice echoed through Pop Village, leaving everyone in a state of shock and confusion. One Troll looked out her window to see what the commotion was about. Ash just smacked her own forehead.

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