Once A Party Crasher...

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The drawing above is mine, but the character belongs to powxbash. Enjoy!

"Branch!" Poppy called out. "I have big news! Branch?"

Suddenly, a Grossum pounced at her, ready to tear her a new one... only to somehow end up encased in some sort of amber?

"Archer, you missed the target!" she heard Branch groan. Poppy walked past the frozen critter and headed for a clearing where she found Branch with Archer Pastry, Riff, and Willow's ten-year-old half-brother, Clyde. Archer was holding what looked like a t-shirt gun.

"Uh, guys, what's going on?" Poppy asked nervously.

"Just testing my latest invention," Clyde answered. "I call it... The Fossilizer! Perfect for trapping that Little Miss Perfect, Priscilla, in a cocoon of amber for all time!"

"Actually, we were considering using it on Pow," Riff explained. "You know, an actual threat, and not just an academic rival."

"Branch!" Poppy scolded. "I promised Willow we wouldn't attack Pow."

"Don't worry, Pops," he reassured her. "We're not going to attack her, but you should know we have to be prepared to protect the Trolls from any dangers. But I-"

Branch was cut off by Riff firing at all of the targets. "Now that's how you do it," he said to Archer, clearly gloating. "Pretty gnarly, ain't-"

Before Riff could finish his sentence, Archer snatched the Fossilizer and fired at the Hard Rock Troll.

"Gentlemen!" Clyde said in disapproval. He used a vial of green liquid to melt the amber, freeing Riff. "The Fossilizer is not a toy."

"He started it!" they shouted at the same time.

Branch rolled his eyes and continued his focus on Poppy. "But I won't use this thing without your approval," he finished, holding a piece of paper. Poppy looked away, feeling unsure.

"Poppy, believe me," Archer said. "I don't want to hurt Pow either, but we can't promise that she's not gonna try to hurt us."

Poppy sighed, and took the document. "Okay. I will sign it to protect the Trolls. But we won't need it, because Willow is our friend, and if she thinks there's still some good in Pow, then we should trust her."

Poppy took out a glitter pen and signed the document.

"I know this isn't easy, Queen Poppy," Riff said, "but you still have your family to think about."

Poppy's eyes widened. "Thanks for reminding me! Branch, I have big news. Flower's gem sprouted!"

"Really?!" Branch said in disbelief. "Pops, that's amazing! Our little girl is growing up."

"Yeah, she is," Poppy replied, hugging him. "She doesn't know it yet, but I've decided to hold a small ceremony for her tomorrow evening."

Branch's joy was replaced with concern. "And when you say 'small ceremony...'"

"I invited the leaders, Flower's friends... and everyone in Pop Village," Poppy answered. Branch smacked himself in the forehead.

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